Page 50 of Passion (Passion 1)
She was fast asleep, no danger here, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
I took my shirt off and left my sweats on as I climbed in beside her.
Moving as quietly as possible, I drew her into my arms.
Taking the bracelet out of my pocket I locked it onto her wrist, I’d meant to give this to her over thanksgiving but then everything went to shit and I’d forgotten, now it felt like it was imperative to give it to her now.
It was my family crest made out of diamonds on a platinum band, the beauty would keep her from suspecting its other real purpose, but for my peace of mind it was good to have it finally where it belonged.
She murmured in her sleep and I kissed her softly until she settled again.
Why the fuck was my mind in such turmoil? There was nothing going on here, I hadn’t seen anyone outside lurking, but still I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very off.
I’ll have to get my guy on her again, the sooner the better.
“So you’re ready right, tomorrow night at the designated place, we’ll show that bitch. Don’t forget, don’t be late, we have to synchronize everything perfectly.
“I’ll be there.”
I hung up the phone, I really should be doing this shit myself, but it was more fun this way. I can’t wait to see Joshua’s face when he catches his little bitch in a compromising position.
Let’s see her talk her way out of this one, and knowing his hotheaded ass, she’ll never get the chance, good, maybe this time when he dumped her she’d starve herself to death.
Chapter 34
We woke up wrapped around each other, my hand buried in her hair as she slept on my chest.
The Captain was making enough noise to wake the dead as he moved around out there. “Time to get up babe.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“You sick?” I felt her forehead, she felt cool to my touch so no fever.
“No, I just don’t wanna.”
She pulled her hand from around me and noticed her new jewelry for the first time.
“What’s this?”
“It’s my family crest, it’s as good as an engagement ring, but I figured you’d give me shit if I put one of those on your finger, that doesn’t come off ever, I have the only key.”
She turned her hand this way and that as she studied the intricate work.
“You’re lucky I like it.”
“Yeah okay, I see you’re feeling better since you’re starting shit with me, now let’s move.”
“Wait a minute, you spent the night, and you’re still here, and Michael’s up?”
“He let me in last night, I guess since you threatened him to move in with me he decided it was better to relent.”
She blushed as she climbed from the bed.
Her shorts were still hanging on her too thin body but she’d lost that sullen look and her face was filling out a little better.
“Oatmeal for breakfast, I have to get my clothes out of the car, I’ll get it started while you shower, then I’ll take mine.”
No sense in rubbing shit in the Captain’s face by showering together, I knew everyone wasn’t as understanding about these things as my parents and I’d already pissed off the Captain enough in the past.
“No oatmeal, that’s where I put my foot down.”
“Oatmeal for breakfast or liver for dinner, choose your pick.”
I left the room while she flounced into the bathroom.
“Morning Captain.”
“How is she this morning, I didn’t hear any screaming so I gather she’s better than yesterday.”
“Don’t hold your breath, oatmeal for breakfast.”
“Shit son you sure do like to stir the pot huh.”
“It’s good for her.”
I went out to get my stuff from the car.
Captain stopped me on the way back up the stairs.
“I never thought I would be saying this to you after that night in your dad’s study, but you’re good for her, thank you for looking out for her, I’m glad she’s got to you spending the night sometimes, I guess it’s okay, I just don’t want to hear a peep coming out of that room, and please don’t ever go to the bathroom in the middle of the night with nothing on.”
He actually blushed like his daughter.
“Captain, I’ll never disrespect you in your home, that’s not what this is about, it’s not all about sex....”
“Lalalalala, I can’t hear you....Steele, I have a gun, a few in fact, I don’t want to hear that crap.”
I had to laugh; the Captain seemed out of his element.
I added bananas and raisins to her oatmeal and she grudgingly swallowed it down. Then it was off to school.
The day went pretty much as the one before except Patti was missing at lunch and I still hadn’t kicked my feeling of imminent danger.
Leaving her to go to class was fucking torture but we made it.