Page 37 of Passion (Passion 1)
“So since Steele doesn’t want you anymore does that mean I can hit it? I don’t mind sloppy seconds but could we do it sometime soon because you’re beginning to look like shit.”
There was a lot of laughter following that remark.
I just stood there, not because I was afraid of him or his words, but because I just didn’t care.
He walked back over to me egged on by his friends.
“So what do you say Carrie, you’re not so high and mighty now are you, not since the Steeles ditched your ass, so how about we go behind the bleachers and fuck?”
Joshua came out of nowhere and grabbed Rodney by his throat, picking him up he slammed him into the lockers. Without one word he just stared into his eyes until Rodney was kicking his legs and trying to pull Joshua’s hand away while fighting for breath.
With a flick of his wrist he threw Rodney to the floor and walked away. Fuck he really is one fuck hot crazy ass motherfucker.
Vanessa came over to me and put her arms around me, but something inside me had snapped.
Shrugging her hand away I went back out the doors and headed for my truck.
I spent the whole day out on the cliffs at Dormer’s Beach just thinking, trying to put things into perspective.
I started at the beginning, no, not mine and Joshua’s, but mine and my parents. Especially Michael, we’d had a fine relationship before the divorce that I remember kinda, then one day he was just not there and I was in a new place with Paula as my sole provider.
I had to learn real quick how to fend for myself, how to dodge the octopus like hands of the different men she brought home. How to move from place to place when she ran out of money.
I watched her use and be used by everyone in her life.
I remember being left alone. A lot.
I remember needing to be held and getting a yelling at or a beating for being a whiny brat instead.
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I recalled my horrible childhood. I saw myself as I was now, always expecting the worst, always having to be in control, always having to prove myself.
It made me tired.
I tried to shy away from thoughts of Joshua but that was too hard, I missed him so much it hurt.
I rewound our time together in my head and my heart as the waves crashed against the rocks below.
I’m going to pound the ever living shit out of Rodney Dyson’s ass as soon as he comes through those doors. Fucking douche put his hands on what’s mine.
I knew when I turned the corner and saw the crowd gathered there that she was somehow involved and when I’d heard the shit he was saying to her....let’s just say that if Matt hadn’t pulled me back I would’ve really hurt the fuck.
He’s lucky I was cooled down by the time I got my fucking hands on him. And why the fuck was she just standing there taking that shit anyway?
Where was the foul mouthed bad ass that was always ready to tear me a new one?
“Josh let’s go.”
“Come on lil bro, he’s not worth it.”
“Did you see her face, see looked fucking broken.”
“I’m sorry to tell you this bro but Dyson didn’t do that to her.”
I looked at him; I knew what he was saying.
“I don’t know what happened between you two, you never said but I know it had to be bad, I’m your big brother, I’m with you all the way, but bro, if you feel for this girl what I know you do, you gotta end this shit. Dyson’s just the first of many have you thought of that, have you thought of her moving on and being with some other guy.....?”
I had him by the front of his shirt ready to pound the shit out of him before I knew what I was doing.
“See what I mean, what the fuck do you think’s gonna happen if you let this go on, did you see her bro, have you taken a look at her lately, no? You’re too busy hiding away from her to punish her for what I don’t know, but bro, I always expected better of you. This is not the man I thought you would be.”
He turned and walked away and got into his car. That bitch Patti was smirking at me. She’s been very happy lately with Carrie out of the picture.
That burned my ass too. I saw Dyson come out the door with his posse and walked toward them, separating him from his boys with a hand in his chest, I pushed him back against the wall.
“You ever go near what’s mine again, you’ll disappear.”
I left him there and got into my car, Matthew was right he wasn’t worth it.