Page 32 of Passion (Passion 1)
We took off twenty minutes later without incident but I was still nervous as fuck though. Now I’d done it, there was no turning back I’d made the play.
I might have feelings for Joshua, but I’m not his fucking kid, he can’t just do shit like that and get away with it. I’ve been taking care of myself for too long for someone to come along and rule me now.
I’d seen him the last couple of days and never once let on that I was going to pull a fast one. In fact, last night he slept in my bed before climbing through my window this morning to go home.
This is probably a fucked up thing to do, but it’s all his fault.
Paula’s driver was there to pick me up at the other end. I have no idea if Joshua knew where exactly Paula lived, but the way he seemed to just know things, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I’d turned off my phone and planned to leave it that way, teach his ass a lesson.
Renée was her usual annoying self; she had a houseful of guests which is why she needed her little puppy to trot out to impress the masses.
“Oh Carissa you’re here.” She hugged me with her air kisses bullshit. Fake bitch.
“I’m checking my account as soon as I get upstairs, the money had better be there, or I’ll walk.” I whispered that in her ear with a smile of my own as she hugged me. That put a damper on her megawatt smile.
She introduced me to her jet setter buddies, her husband was cordial as usual, and I was already missing a certain someone.
I checked my phone because I couldn’t help myself any longer. Hmm, no missed calls from Joshua, five from Vanessa though. I smiled and put the phone away again, I’ll call her later, if he was using her to get to me, let him sweat a little, it’ll do him good, bring him down a notch or two.
As promised I checked my account online and saw that Paula had deposited the two grand into my account. Good, Christmas is almost here that will come in handy. Every time she wanted to trick me out the price was going to go up. All actresses deserved to be paid for their work after all.
I spent the next few days including Thanksgiving playing the dutiful daughter and bemoaning the fact that I didn’t ask for more money. This chick was off her nut.
There were times I thought I would just lose it and rip her a new one, especially when she tried to play the devoted mother, she was so bad at it she always overdid things.
There was lots of eye rolling and bitch please grumbles that’s for sure.
By Sunday I was ready to pull my hair out. Thank God her guests had left the night before and I could breathe again.
It was almost time to leave for the airport anyway.
“Why are you such an ungrateful bitch?”
“Excuse me, don’t you know how to knock, and what the hell are you talking about anyway?”
“I’m talking about you moping around here like a lost fucking puppy, you made me look bad in front of my friends.”
“Friends huh, did you know that at least two of your friends are screwing your husband?”
“That’s just not true how dare you?”
“Listen Paula, this little farce is almost over so you can kill the act already. Don already knows I can’t stand your ass and he’s the only one here so kindly get the fuck out of my room.”
“How dare you speak to me in such a fashion?”
“I dare because you’re a selfish bitch who only remembers she has a daughter when she wants to use her for her own fucked up purposes. I fucking hate you.”I was screaming and close to tears by the time I was done.
Okay, I’ve had it out with the monster mom before but I never really told her I hated her.
I knew this anger and frustration was coming from another place. I’ve long been over Paula and her bullshit.
The reason I was so out of sorts was because I hadn’t heard from Joshua in five whole fucking days and when I tried to return Vanessa’s calls, all ten times, they had gone straight to voicemail, so no I was in no mood to deal with Paula’s bullshit.
We pretty much left things as they were since Don came back from his golf game or whatever and she needed to save face.
On the flight home I was on pins and needles, I didn’t breathe easily until I saw Michael waiting for me, I remembered that he’d said something about Margaret inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner, maybe he had information.
I’d resisted calling him because I didn’t want him to know I’d lied.
I have no idea if crazy boy had said anything to him.