Page 27 of Passion (Passion 1)
“That’s on him; he should stay with his wife that’s his responsibility.” I snickered. Dad hated parties, mom loves them, she loves throwing them, going to them, planning them, anything to do with parties. Every time she had one of these get togethers, us guys would sneak off somewhere and do our own thing, dad has a habit of joining us, last time mom laid down the law. Me and Matt escaped unscathed but dad didn’t fare so well.
He’d tried to pull us down with him but we’d played the young teenager card, mom bought it and that was that.
I kept my eyes on my girl as she talked and laughed with Vanessa and her friends, she was easily the most gorgeous one of the bunch, I tensed a little when Patricia approached the group, Patti wasn’t known to hang with any of the younger girls. I got even more suspicious when whatever she said caused Carrie to turn and look my way with a wary look on her face.
I was at her side in three seconds, leading her away.
“What’s wrong, why that look on your face?”
“Uhm, nothing.”
“Cut the bullshit Carissa, talk.” I was back to being the controlling jerk that she accused me of being. Who cares?
“Is this last year’s dress?”
I laughed at that, so that was Patti’s game, so middle school.
“Babes that dress isn’t even on the market yet, won’t be for another month or more.”
She looked at me quizzically.
“Really, so how did you get it then?”
“My mom is one of their special clients, she gets invites to private showings, and shit like that, this dress was in a magazine with some other things that I’ll show you later.” I kissed her shoulder.
“Anyone who told you that is just jealous, ignore them.” I didn’t let on that I knew it was Patti who said it, but I’d definitely be keeping my eyes on her since she seemed bent on causing trouble.
We hung around for about an hour before heading to the club room, dad gave us a puppy dog look which we laughed off as we disappeared.
The room was packed with kids, the two billiard tables the first to be confiscated, there were darts and chess, a card table, board games, plenty of things to keep us occupied for a while.
I kept my girl with me as we played, not only because I wanted to keep her near, but because I didn’t want to knock out one of the many motherfuckers that kept giving her the eye. The fuck?
“Vanessa and I are going to the rest room, be right back.”
I stole a kiss before she walked away, a nice ass rub for those who were watching to let them know she was off the market, disrespectful assholes.
I might have to fuck Terrence and Dyson up before the night was over if they didn’t stop ogling her ass like it was their next fucking meal, just try it assholes.
They weren’t gone five minutes before we heard the commotion outside, then I heard a voice that I hadn’t expected to hear again, at least not here and not this soon.
Dropping my cue on the table I ran out of the room and into the hallway.
“You’re just some little tramp that he’s using for his own amusement, but when it’s all said and done he’ll always come back to me.”
Are you fucking shitting me? My heart was racing so fucking fast I was afraid it would give out, what bullshit was Josie spewing, and what the fuck was she doing here?
“Josie what the fuck are you doing here?”
“Oh hi Joshua, Patti invited me, you forgot to tell me about the party the last time we talked.” She sauntered over to me, her hand going to the middle button on my shirt.
I pushed her away, my eyes never leaving Carissa, she looked fucking gutted, somebody was gonna pay for this shit.
“First of all, don’t touch me.” The hallway was now full of people who had obviously heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. What I was about to do would be embarrassing as fuck but she brought that shit on herself. I guess she really didn’t know me like she thought she did.
“Second of all what bullshit are you out here spewing, I’ll always come back to you? Since when. I told you it was over, whatever ‘It’ was, why would you come here and start some shit with my girl?”
“But you always came back to me after......”
“I liked talking to you, I fucked you yes, you’re the only girl I still kept in contact with yes because we had an understanding and you know that, why would you lie now?”
“But I thought.......”
“You thought what, that when I said I wouldn’t be calling you anymore that I was playing?”