Page 22 of Passion (Passion 1)
“No, because it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that that’s what I want.” I knew that shit would only make her more heated, and from the look on her face it had worked. I really needed to stop goading her so much.
“Or would you prefer that I break Dyson’s legs instead?” Now that shit I was serious about.
“You can’t go around beating up every guy I talk to.”
“No, only the ones that show an interest in you now give me a kiss.”
I knew there was no way in hell she was going to that, so I took her mouth, of course she tried to bite me, I just laughed and pushed two inside her as I forced my tongue deeper in her mouth.
Rubbing her clit as I plunged my fingers home, I brought her to a fever pitch, before for the second time that day I left her wanting.
“That’s for leaving the school without me and making my ass worry.” She flew off of my lap in indignation looking around for something else to throw at me.
“Tomorrow is Friday, tell your dad you’re sleeping over, don’t forget, you’re not going shopping with Vanessa so don’t even think about it.”
Her beautiful fawn colored eyes were fever bright with her arousal; her body flushed nice pink, nipples at the ready. Fuck I wanted her but not now, I’ll have to wait, her training dictated that I not confuse the issues.
I was playing this shit by ear, I had no guidebook, I just knew what I liked and what I wanted, no needed from her, no one else, just her. I needed to possess her completely. All that fire and heat and beauty called to me in a very primitive way.
I called her later that night because I knew she wouldn’t want to talk to me, but she wouldn’t want me to come after her again so she had no choice but to talk to me.
“Are you being a good girl Carissa, and before you answer that know that for every curse word you get five lashes.”
“What the.....bitch you curse all the time why can’t I?”
“You’re a girl that’s why; it doesn’t sound right, besides I don’t like it, that’s enough.”
“You’re an asshole you know that, you pencil dick motherfucker.” I wanted to laugh at her attempts to rile me but that wouldn’t do.
“We both know that’s not true you’ve had me in your mouth, and that’s fifteen lashes, I’d quit while I was ahead lamb, you’re racking up the punishments at an alarming rate, who knows what I’ll think of next.”
“Listen can you be a normal seventeen year old boyfriend for once......?”
“Oh so you do admit that I’m your boyfriend.”
“No. I just meant... arhhhhhh, asshole, just be a normal boy okay.”
“Normal is overrated, besides, if I was normal as you put it you would’ve chewed me up and spit me out already, now go to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning, and Carissa, no more disappearing acts.”
She hung up before I could, a normal seventeen year old, she really didn’t know me very well, neither did she seem to know herself, she didn’t need normal, or translated, weak, she needed a strong hand, someone to guide her since she never had any structure when she was a kid. She only thought she wanted to be the strong take charge type, that’s because she always had to look out for herself when she shouldn’t have been, now it’s time for someone else to take the reins.
The next two days went by without incident thank God, I’d packed her bag for the weekend this morning and reassured her father that she would be fine at our house, I gave him mom’s number to call with any questions he might have.
Vanessa was bummed that she lost her shopping buddy but she knew better than to say anything, I had already warned her about getting into me and Carissa’s business, all it took was a reminder of how that turned out last time and she backed down, I guess the memory of her friends’ near rape was enough to keep her in line.
I had her sequestered in my rooms right after school, we did homework together, I kept touching her every chance I got, little back rubs, pecks on the cheek or lips, a soft glide up her thigh to her crotch.
When she closed her book for the last time I massaged her neck and shoulders until she relaxed. Nibbling on her neck I raised her top, my hand flat against her warm stomach muscles as they contracted under my hand.
Working my way up to her breasts I took them in my hands the feel of her silk and lace bra encasing her warm flesh going straight to my cock.
One hand stayed on her breast while the other worked its way down her middle and under the waistband of her pants.