Page 20 of Passion (Passion 1)
I have been steadily handling her all this time, since I’d introduced her to oral, not like I had won the battle, far from it, but I had made a little leeway.
“Excuse me, you might get away with dressing me like a nun for school but I can shop for myself for a party, so no thank you.” she snarled at me.
She turned back to Vanessa dismissing me, it made me smile. I so did love her spunk, too bad I was going to have to bring her down a notch.
“Let’s go Carissa.”
“What, where....?”
I pulled her up from the chair, the cafeteria didn’t go silent, but enough people turned to watch as I half dragged half walked her out of the building.
We had twenty minutes before the bell so I had to work fast, my car would’ve been preferable, but the walk would’ve cut into precious time so an empty music room would have to do.
The door closed and I had her jeans down and my hand in her panties before she caught a breath.
My mouth covered hers as I found her opening, with one, then two fingers. I pushed in until I reached her maidenhead and pulled back, my thumb rubbed her clit which was now stiff and hard.
My lamb took to sex play like everything else she did, with fire and heat. I played with her tongue as I finger fucked her up against the closed door. When I felt the first quivers of an onset climax I removed my body from hers.
I hadn’t introduced her to this form of punishment as yet; it will be fun to see how she reacted to it.
“Go to class, now you’re not even going to Chelsea and before you think to disobey me on this, remember what happened the last time.”
I opened the door and walked out. Yes her defiance wasn’t that serious in this instance, but for me any and all resistance must be put down, that’s just the way I am, and dealing with someone like Carissa, who was almost as stubborn and strong willed as me, I had no choice.
Believe it or not, I’m not into BDSM or any of that stuff, I just need total control and more so with her, something about her drives me to dominate, to take her over completely.
I knew leaving her at the cusp of cumming would leave her frustrated for the rest of the day, unless she went to the restroom to scratch her itch, which I was almost certain she was too proud to do.
By the end of the day she had made her play, she was nowhere to be found when the last bell rang; a drive by her house showed her home in total darkness no one was at home.
Vanessa hadn’t seen or heard from her and she didn’t have any other friends at school that I knew of except the Jones girl and they hadn’t hung out in some time, still I tried Amanda’s house. Nope she hadn’t seen her either.
I wasn’t angry as much as I was worried, although it wasn’t a long way to her house from the school there was a long stretch of woods between them, and besides I should’ve seen her on my way to her house if she had walked, unless she went through the fucking woods, which if she did I was really going to spank her ass.
I decided the best thing to do was wait her out at her house; ten minutes later I saw Dyson pull up with her in the passenger seat. Her eyes widened when she saw me. I looked right at her as I walked to her side of the car and dragged her out. This seemed familiar.
Dyson knew better than to say one fucking word to me, in fact he looked like he was about to shit his pants.
“I just gave her a ride man, nothing happened.” He held his hands up in the surrender position.
“Get the fuck outta here, she ever in your car again you won’t have a car.” I slammed the car door and pulled her towards the front door to her house. She tried being stubborn and pulling away but I kept going, dragging her behind me.
“Let go asshole.”
“If I were you I would shut up before you make things worse for yourself, my patience is very low right now, don’t fucking push it.”
Of course I was talking to the world’s most hard headed human being.
I heard Dyson peel out of the driveway, probably didn’t want to be a witness to whatever I had in store for her. Her father wouldn’t be home for a few hours yet so I had all the time in the world to do what needed doing.
“I told you what would happen if you pushed me too far right, and what do you do, riding in cars with boys Carissa, uhuh, that’s a no no and you know it, so now you bear the consequences.”