Page 39 of My Bully's Father
He told me she didn’t know about the cameras or at least that they were on, but I’m hoping she comes clean, at least for his sake. I know how much it would mean to him to have a relationship with her, and I guess I can deal with that. I know now that he loves me, and I have nothing to fear.
He came back into the room, and I couldn’t tell from his eyes which way it went. He looked tired, beaten even, and I walked over and held him. If nothing else, I could read the disappointment on his face. “I’m sorry, it didn’t go well, did it?” For an answer, he caught my face between his hands and kissed me.
The next thing I knew, he was tearing at my clothes and I his and then I was flat on my back staring up at him in shock. All yesterday and today, he’s been gentle with me. Now all pretense at gentility was gone, and in its place was a beast full of hunger and angst with a little bit of anger thrown in for good measure.
I hitched my leg around his hip when he nosed around my pussy with his cock. Oh, I know he’s mad for real because his head wasn’t between my thighs, so I knew my pussy was going to pay the price for whatever it is that those two idiots did. He was easy going in, took his time, and made sure my labia wasn’t caught between his cock and my slit, but once he was in, that’s where the joy began.
Slow fuck Gregory is good, anger fuck Gregory is even better, but when it comes to Darla-Sue and her mom, that’s a whole other stratosphere. My pussy felt so full and bruised from his rough treatment after a day of coital bliss, but what did he care? My poor bones rattled with each thrust of his body into mine.
He used his cock to release his torment and spilled it all into me. When he was done, he flipped me over onto my hands and knees and did me from behind, hard, rough, and deep. I came until I drooled on myself, all the while he marked me. My neck, my shoulders, my back, every and any place he could reach felt the sting of his teeth.
I tore at the sheets like a bitch in rut, and he was there with me every step of the way. “Marry me!” I didn’t get the chance to answer because he came just then, setting off another orgasm in me either from his proposal or the pounding of his cock like a drill hammer in me.
I, of course, said yes as soon as I found my voice again, and that led to another fuck session.
He didn’t get around to telling me all what happened until later that night. I wasn’t surprised about Susan; I’d told him about my part in his divorce and everything else that transpired, and once again, he forgave me. I think I could spit in their eye, and he’d still think it was justified.
I wouldn’t, though; I have no more need for vengeance; I’d got some of my own back and then some. In the end, I guess I should thank the two of them for being such bitches because they’d brought the two of us together.
“J asmine!” I swear this little girl is the…. No, no, I can’t say it. Her daddy has already bitched at me for calling her his hellspawn, but geebers, I think I gave birth to Darla-Sue’s twin. Don’t get me wrong, she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, but she’s as stubborn as a mule. She gave me side-eye and walked away like I wasn’t standing here having a conversation with her.
Where did we go wrong? The twins had been so easy. Two little boys who are the spitting image of their daddy. They never gave us any trouble, not even when their little sister came along eighteen months after their birth.
I think the trouble started when we realized Jasmine was gonna look like me. Her hair didn’t change color until she was about nine months old, but from then ‘til now, she’s been a handful. I think her daddy has a lot to do with it; he spoils her rotten. Not that our sons are lacking for anything, but she’s the one who more often than not makes out like a lark. If I’m not careful, she’d have him buying out every store we go to and don’t get me started on the holidays and their birthdays.
I gave up and waddled over to the rocking chair in the kid’s playroom. Her brothers were at Pre-K, and her nanny had gone off to make her a snack while I played with her. I asked her to put away her toys, and she did as much as she wanted to and no more. The little girl is just too damn much.