Page 20 of My Bully's Father
It was listening to that story after he’d gone on about his love for that color hair that had answered the one remaining question from that night. Why? I couldn’t have imagined that jealousy had anything to do with it.
I mean, they were the richest family in town, had everything they could possibly want or need, and were both beautiful in their own right. What reason could they have had to be jealous of me? But now I know. That explains the mother, but what about Darla-Sue? What was her excuse for inviting me to a sleepover out of the blue, just to make fun of and then attack me?
I could say that it’s partly my fault for going there that night, that I should’ve known better. But I wanted so much to be accepted to be part of the crowd. But all I got for it was a scalp burn that had I not deflected Susan’s hand would’ve been much worst and lots of therapy after.
The police had gotten involved that night. One of the other girls who had been a token invite as well had called them even as Susan begged her not to. She’d been all set to testify, but Susan spoke to my mom, who accepted the bribe to keep quiet.
I’d used the money to get medical treatment for the burn that helped replenish my hair follicles, and the rest had paid for college with a little leftover for mom to start her own bakery business. Even with all the money, I’d never forgiven them for what they’d done. The fear I have to live with day in and day out.
He went back to work after that totally out of left field comment about my hair, and I went back to mine. It did stay with me for the rest of the day, however, because I knew the time was fast approaching for me to come clean. Had I known it would come this far? Maybe the only thing that has changed is my feelings for him; that’s the one thing I hadn’t planned on.
I’d been willing to squander my virginity for the sake of my revenge, but I never intended to lose my heart as well. “What’re you thinking about so hard?” I hadn’t realized that he’d gone back to his desk and was studying me while I became lost in thought. Could I tell him? Could I open my mouth and speak those words out loud? My revenge is not yet complete; I still haven’t completely taken him away from her.
As much as I love him, I still hate her. I hate her for stealing my youth, for making me a laughingstock among her friends, and ostracizing me from everyone of age in our little town. She’d made me an outcast because of my size, which was brought on only because of my poor diet, which consisted of sweets and junk food which were all my mother could afford at the time.
Isn’t it odd that it was her mother’s money that had taught me that? After we had the money from her, though it wasn’t much after everything had been paid for, it had led to better things for us, and we were then able to eat a more nutritious diet, which led to me losing the weight, and my skin cleared up with the help of some good prescription meds that left me scar free from acne.
With the weight and the acne gone, even I could hardly recognize myself in those early days. Only my hair was the same, that wild, glorious mane of ginger-red curls that went so perfectly with my pale-pale skin that shone pink in the sun and my sparkling blue eyes.
“I was just thinking that we shouldn’t have gone on our weekend away.”
“Why would you say that? I thought you had fun.”
“Oh, I did. It’s just that, now that little room is going to be even bleaker when I go home tonight. Ah, I know what, this weekend I’ll look for a place. Since there’s nothing close by, I might have to get something in the neighboring city. It’ll just be forty-five minutes to an hour each way, but I can swing it.”
He didn’t look too pleased by my thought process, not that I expected him to be.
“How about we go pack your stuff up and move it to my place this evening?”
“What? I don’t think that’s a good idea. You saw how Darla-Sue reacted this morning. I don’t think we can both live in the same house. I’m afraid she’d kill me in my sleep.” I laughed off the last bit for his sake, but I legit thinks she would.
“Don’t worry about Darla-Sue; I’ll take care of that.” He looked at his watch. “As a matter of fact, if you’ll excuse me, order yourself something good for lunch; the lobster and steak looks good today. I have to be somewhere.”