Page 11 of My Bully's Father
H e couldn’t see my face as he fucked me from behind, so he missed the sinister smile I wore when he ignored his daughter’s call for the second time that night. After we left the couch, I thought for sure he’d say it was time to go. He never stays out overnight because he knows she’s at home waiting for him, but tonight, I had other plans. It was time to shake things up a bit.
So, before he could even mention getting dressed to leave, I’d thrown myself in his arms, being all clingy and needy, which is something he loves from time to time. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?" And there's the opening I needed.
“Nothing, I just miss you already, that’s all.”
He laughed and kissed my hair while his arms came around me. “How can you miss me when I'm right here?”
“I’m thinking about being alone in that tiny room by myself. It wasn’t lonely before; at least I never noticed until lately.” I hugged him even closer and felt him tense.
“You know, I never thought of that. The fact that you’re there alone each night.” I took a peep and knew that he was giving it serious thought and not just saying what I wanted to hear. The funny thing is that I actually meant it. I didn’t know until now that it was true.
Sure, I’d noticed the loneliness when he was gone or when we were apart. But I never thought it meant anything. But now, the thought of going back to my rented room while he goes back to his home left me feeling empty.
This wasn’t supposed to be part of the deal. In fact, a lot of things lately had not been bargained for. Like the way I look forward to his company, my rush to get to work each morning with the hopes of running into him before lunchtime because the hours spent sleeping away from him had left me feeling bereft.
When I came back here looking for revenge, I knew which way I wanted to go. I’d spent years devising my plan, years of heartache and misery where some days I didn’t think I would make it back here. I knew that I wanted to take away everything Darla-Sue and her mother loved. To make them suffer the way I had.
But even though I knew I was going to use him, I never really gave him much thought beyond that. I’d only ever seen him in pictures, the ones in their family home and once or twice in the local newspaper when he was being awarded for something, so though I knew he was handsome, dashing even, I didn’t know much else about him.
I guess I’d subconsciously lumped him in with his wife and child. But after getting to know him, nothing could be further from the truth. So while I was telling him how much I was going to miss him, I was shocked to realize the truth in those words.
We’d stood there with our arms around each other; both lost in our own silence until he sighed. “I’m a bad boyfriend, aren’t I?”
First, my heart skipped a beat at his admission. It was the first time either of us had labeled what we had going on here. I got tingles all down my spine, and my tummy was full of butterflies.
“No, you’re not; what makes you say that?”
“Well, I haven’t given much thought to you, have I? I just send you back to that dreary place while I go back to my luxury mansion.”
“I understand; you have a family; it’s not like I can just move in.”
“Actually, I don’t. I’m divorced; Susan is just there as a favor to my daughter, so her presence means nothing.”
“Oh, well, I guess you don’t want Darla-Sue to know about us then.”
“That’s not it either, I guess; I just never gave it any thought. Darla’s old enough to understand that her dad is still young enough to want a relationship with someone other than her mother at this point.”
“Still, I don’t want to cause trouble.” like hell, I don’t. This is exactly what I’m after, but now I feel guilty. How to separate my growing feelings for him from my need for revenge? Can it even be done?
He'd kept quiet after that, and not long after, we’d found ourselves back in bed. I was sore, but who cares? I’m sore a lot these days. It had taken almost a whole week before I was able to take all of him, and just knowing how tickled he was by my virginity had made the effort worth it
I’d banked on him valuing my innocence, especially after what Susan had done. I knew it was a big draw but had not made much of it after the fact leaving that up to him. He’d done everything but pay homage to my hymen, and that’s when I knew I had him. It should’ve been easy going from there, but my stupid feelings and emotions had to get involved.