Page 8 of Mr. Hot Boss To Go (A Forbidden Romance)
The meeting went off without a hitch, and I strolled out of my office, a satisfied smirk still on my face.
“You guys happy?” I ask the investors.
“Oh yeah, Crane,” chortled John McWhorter, a little man with beady eyes. “We’re definitely throwing fifty million into this one!”
“Make it one hundred mill, and you’ve got yourselves a deal.”
I walk the gaggle of men to the elevator and shoot them a salute right before the door closes.
“One hundred mill!” I call again. “Anything less would be an insult!”
We all laugh, and feeling satisfied, I turn back to my office. That’s when I spy my secretary, Abigail. She throws me a frown, her gray and brown hair tied back into a severe bun.
“What is it?” I ask. “It’s too early for that expression.”
She was judging me, I can tell, and it had nothing to do with the venture capital folks. Instead, it was all about Natalie from this morning. After all, I’ve never brought someone from the building up to my office. I’ve had plenty of other women come visit me in my office, sure, but never someone who actually works for me.
“What?” I asked Abigail as she stared daggers at me.
She harrumphs.
“You know what it is.”
I feign ignorance.
“I swear, I don’t,” I say, holding both hands up with the palms out. “Tell me.”
She merely shakes her head.
“It’s your life Rowan. You know I don’t get in the middle of your escapades. But this is a little unseemly, don’t you think?”
It was highly unusual that Abigail was saying anything to me at all about Natalie. She normally didn’t show much emotion about the women who left my office at all. Now I was intrigued. What was it about Natalie that had Abigail speaking up?
“Just tell me. We’ve worked together a long time, so speak your mind.”
Abigail sighs, burying her head in her hands.
“You know I have two daughters in college, right? Well, Natalie looks about that age too, Rowan, so she’s really young. Girls that age can fall in love really fast and I’m not sure you’re the type of guy a naive college girl should be falling in love with. Hell, no woman should fall for you.”
My secretary had a point. Then again, I suspected Natalie wasn’t as naive and innocent as Abigail believed. Her own daughters were probably no saints either, but I didn’t bring that up.
“No worries, I understand. Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” I wink before returning to my office.
Of course the truth is that Abigail’s right: I shouldn’t be having sex with any of my employees, but it was just so damn exciting to have Natalie like that and I got wrapped up in my own pleasure. A man could lose his mind faced with the prospect of those pink lips encircling him. I’d been having fun with her and was wrapped up in the sexual energy reverberating between the two of us.
Plus, I enjoy my women. They’re beautiful creatures that I enjoy spending time with, and having a sexy woman in my bed or visiting my office is simply a part of my life. It allows me to focus better on my work, and if I was walking around sexually frustrated all the time there’s no way I’d ever get any work done. Natalie was the perfect way to start my day: a naughty little girl who enjoyed pleasing me just as much as I enjoyed watching her please me.
Besides, it had been over a week since I’d had a release, so I needed her. It was fortuitous to catch her red-handed in the kitchen and I thank the Gods that the coffee machine in the executive suite broke today. That engendered my trip to the twentieth floor, and our little encounter was certainly a quick bit of unexpected fun.
But I still haven’t gotten to taste any of Natalie’s delicious body and I’m determined to get more. There was no way around it. I would be buried inside her soon. My tongue pleasing her, my cock making her scream. Natalie was going to me mine and now, I can’t wait.
I walk back to my desk and sit down, trying to calm my nerves. OMG, did that really happen? Yet it did because I can still taste Mr. Crane in my mouth and my tongue traces my lips involuntarily, savoring his distinct flavor. OMG OMG. What do I do now? My heart’s racing and my knees feel weak. Despite staring at my computer screen, I see nothing. Suddenly, a nasal voice sounds right over my shoulder.
“Where were you?” Harvey whines, standing behind me.
“Nowhere. Leave me alone,” I snap at him.
He looks surprised, but for once, the pimply intern schleps back to his own cube without a world. I try to calm my trembling hands. Things are going to be okay, the voice in my head says. Just hold it together until 5 p.m. and you can go home.