Page 17 of Mr. Hot Boss To Go (A Forbidden Romance)
My jaw drops.
“You’re shitting me.”
She shakes her head.
“No, I’m not. Drake was married to our Aunt Naomi way back when, but she passed, so he was a bachelor for a good ten years I think. Then, he and Jenna fell for each other at a family Thanksgiving dinner, of all places, and she ended up marrying him. Pretty crazy, right? I mean, Drake’s got to be at least two decades older than my sister because he’s a totally different generation.”
I nod, floored by the tale.
“Holy shit that’s insane.”
But Natalie just shrugs prettily again.
“But all’s well that ends well. Like I said, they’re married now and have an absolutely adorable daughter, Emily, who’s one. So, it all worked out in the end.”
I still can’t wrap my head around the tale, and shake my head.
“I’m happy they’re happy, but still, that’s fucking insane. And everyone gets along okay now?”
Natalie smiles.
“More or less, yes. A lot of people were shocked and horrified at first, my parents included. But once Emily was born, things seemed to smooth over a lot. I tell you, my niece is adorable and could charm a hardened criminal if it came down to it. But now, about you Rowan. Enough about my family because they’re crazy and I could go on for hours. What’s that one thing that no one knows about you?”
I chuckle at her attempt to turn the conversation, but accede.
“I don’t know,” I say. “I’m a pretty fucked up guy so I’ve gotten up to plenty of no good during my years on the planet.” After all, this is where being forty-five caught up with me. Natalie was young and hadn’t had time to do a bunch of stupid stuff, while I’d had decades to make bad choices. I grin. “I’m not sure I want to reveal all of that just yet because maybe you’ll run out of here, screaming with your hair on fire if you knew. Next question,” I say.
The pretty blonde giggles.
“No way!” she exclaims. “Come on, I’m going to need at least one really juicy piece of information or I’m not going to be able to go on a second date with you. Sorry, that’s just how it is,” she said, smiling playfully.
“Hell, that’s blackmail,” I growl.
She merely nods and smiles.
“It is, so you better tell me.”
“Fine,” I said trying to quickly think of something that would satisfy her but wouldn’t incriminate me too much. “I dropped out of college. Well actually, I dropped out and didn’t tell my dad for most of the semester. Crane Technologies was already making money and I thought I could run it and be rich within months. Luckily, my father talked me into staying until graduation by arguing that degrees do in fact have value, especially if your start-up doesn’t work out.”
Natalie giggles.
“So you went back?”
I nod.
“Kicking and screaming. It took a lot of finagling to get back into my classes, and in fact, I lost some credit that I’d already earned. But yeah, I finished my degree.”
“So is your dad proud of you for all that you’ve accomplished?” she asks. “Especially since Crane Tech is now a Fortune 500 company?”
I think for a moment.
“I think my dad is proud, to be honest. He honestly believes he stopped me from making the worst decision of my life, and he’s proud to tell people that I was building my business while also going to school. He was right though. My senior year I took a bunch of business classes to round out my engineering degree and I credit those classes for helping me get through the rough years at the beginning.”
Natalie nods with satisfaction.
“That is a good story, but I expect there’s more. Is there something you’re not telling me?”
I think for a moment.
“Okay, okay. I did sleep with one of the teaching assistants from one of my business classes. She was a hot older woman,” I wink.
Natalie giggles.
“OMG, how old?”
I shrug.
“Not that old, honestly. Maybe twenty-five? Keep in mind that I was twenty-two, so it was only a three year difference, but it felt like a lot. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t have met her if I hadn’t stayed in school like my dad wanted.”
Natalie laughs again.
“That is a good story. Thanks for telling me, Rowan,” she says before leaning in for a kiss. When our lips finally part, I stare at the beautiful girl.
“Damn, you’re irresistible.”
She giggles once more.
“Who, little old me?”
“Damn right, you,” I say while pulling her chair close to me and kissing her again.
But then she pulls back once more and cocks her head at me.
“I bet it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to build your company up from practically nothing. That’s an amazing achievement,” she says.
“Yes, it was really hard,” I acknowledge in a rumble. “But enough about business. Speaking of hard, I’m hard. Do you want to feel how hard, honey?”