Page 2 of Just Breathe (Unlocked Desire)
“Your tongue’s stickin’ out.”
Finn’s voice cock-blocks me. Normally, the fucker doesn’t talk. The one time I don’t want him to open his mouth, he decides to.
I glare at him. “Can you shut up?”
Finn chuckles, his eyes on me as he lights a smoke and takes a long drag. I ignore him and move my attention to the morsel of sin standing before me. Her gaze locks with mine, and I swear I’m about to come from that one look. Fuck, I feel like a twelve-year-old looking at my first pair of tits. I’m so distracted by images of her choking on my cock that I miss the blade she throws right at me. It misses my head by an inch.
“Jesus, you could have taken my eye out with that!” Fuck, I sound like a pussy.
The corner of her mouth turns up, creating a perfect dimple.
“Nah, I never miss. Now, who the fuck are you?”
“Name’s Ciaran, Hellcat. I’m the man that’s gonna bend you over and fuck the shit out of you.”
Her head falls back, and she laughs. The sound makes my dick twitch. I’m pretty sure this chick will have me shooting my load without even touching my cock.
“You couldn’t handle me, Ciaran.”
My name on her lips sounds like sin and salvation all rolled into one, a hypnotic note that could send a man spiraling towards insanity on a one-way ticket just to touch her.
She doesn’t take her eyes off me, hunter recognizing hunter. The way she handled the knife tells me she knows what she’s doing and how to defend herself. Which makes her even hotter.
A lot of guys like the sweet, innocent type, but not me. I like my women crazy because I like my sex rough, insane, and dangerous. I’m not interested in breaking a girl’s innocence. The idea makes my dick shrivel up. Shit, for a taste of this hellcat, I’d let her cut me with her knives. It’d probably be sexy as hell.
I push off the wall and stalk towards her, taking deliberate steps so the little Hellcat knows exactly who she’s dealing with. I have to give her credit, she doesn’t even flinch. She pulls her shoulders back, crosses her arms, and pushes up her big ass tits.
“Baby girl,” I say, circling her throat with my hand and lifting her in the air. “I could kill you seven ways from Sunday for your little knife stunt, but I’d rather fuck you.”
Her lips form a weird smile, constricted by my hand gripping her jugular. Fuck, this girl! I could snap her neck, and there isn’t an iota of fear in her eyes.
“Be careful. The less fear you show, the more he’ll push for it,” Finn says behind me. “I’m gonna go, Bro. Whatever the fuck is about to happen here, I’m cool with not seeing it.”
“Guess he’s the pussy brother,” she wheezes.
“Not pussy, sweetheart. He’d do more damage than I ever could.” I release my grip on her throat and catch her in my arms before she hits the ground. My eyes shift to the lifeless body on the ground at our feet. “I think you need to make it up to me.”
“I’m not making up shit. That fucker was molesting kids. He deserved far worse than what I did to him.”
I tighten my grip. “I was gonna cut off his dick and make him eat it. I’m really pissed you ruined my fun.”
Chapter Two
Most people would run when a guy wearing a huge link chain around his neck grabs you by the throat and shows you his sharp-as-fuck vampire teeth. But I’m not most people. I’ve seen a lot of fucked up things, and I’ve done things that would make most people’s skin crawl. I’m not ashamed. Life happened, and I made my choices. No point crying over shit I can’t change.
I’m not sure if Ciaran wants to kill me or fuck me; perhaps he wants to kill me by fucking me. Normal girls would be frightened by the way he’s manhandling me, like I’m a piece of meat. But me? I’m turned on. There’s something incredibly freeing about living in fear in all aspects of your life. It’s not for everyone, but it works for me.
Society shackles humans, forcing everyone to act a certain way because it’s expected of them, but it’s all a lie. We’re animals. Our needs are just as simple as those of a lion or a wolf, but we suppress them to appear superior.
When I was fifteen, I learned the cruelty of humanity. That’s when I was truly born. That was the day my depravity became the blood in my veins and the fire in my soul.
At fifteen, I learned that good and evil are interchangeable. Life isn’t black and white, it’s varying shades of gray, and that’s where I now live. Some would see me as a femme fatal, others call me a bitch, but I know who I am. I’m a woman who saves people by doing the work no one else wants to do. I’m here making a difference, and when I look in the mirror every night, I have no regrets about the lives I’ve taken or the monster I’ve become.