Page 91 of Sex, Not Love
And then he took back the control I’d thought I’d had. He gripped my hips, lifting me up and down as he thrust up from beneath me. Each time he hammered harder and harder, fucking me from underneath, topping me from the bottom. The sheer determination on his face was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.
“Fuck.” He gritted his teeth. “I’m gonna come.”
He bucked one last time and let out a load groan as he planted himself deep inside my body. Watching him release, the tension on his face giving way to pure bliss, was absolutely exhilarating.
Spineless, I collapsed on top of him, unable to hold myself upright. Hunter buried his face in my neck, whispering sweet everythings between kisses over and over. God, this man could be so beautiful.
Sated, I reveled in the tender moment and basked in the afterglow. We were good together. I liked to think it was our chemistry and not his past experience that made our intimate times so amazing. I was far from a virgin, but being with Hunter made me feel like everything leading up to him had merely been practice for the real thing.
It was that thought that scared me out of my lust-induced haze and back to reality. If Hunter was my real thing, why did I have to go back to imposters?
Chapter 28
10 years ago
Summer wasn’t happy with me.
She’d said she understood why I hadn’t told Jayce about us. But now two months had gone by, and hiding her—hiding our relationship—during summer break made things a challenge. I couldn’t go down to San Diego to visit her too often because I’d snagged an internship at an architectural firm I wanted to work at after graduation. And if she came up north, we didn’t exactly have a place to hang out considering I lived with my aunt and uncle, and so did my brother. At least until today.
Jayce was moving out. Amazingly enough, he’d come clean with Emily and admitted he wasn’t ready to get married. She had been very understanding. Honestly, forgetting the selfish reasons I had, I really hoped things worked out between the two of them—any woman who could be that understanding while fielding pregnancy hormones was worth working things out with.
“I miss you,” Summer whined through the phone.
Summer was not a whiner. I needed to fix the mess I’d gotten myself into and tell the truth once and for all. I loved this girl.
“Yeah, babe. I miss you, too. I’m going to sit down with Jayce today after I help him move. Then I’ll talk to my aunt and uncle, and I’m sure they won’t mind you coming to stay for a visit here.”
“Really?” She perked up.
“They might make you sleep in the guest room.”
“I don’t even care. I just miss your face.”
“I miss the whole package.”
Jayce popped his head into my bedroom doorway. “Give me a hand carrying my mattress down the stairs?”
I covered the phone. “Yeah. Give me two minutes.”
He nodded and disappeared.
“I’ll call you tonight.”
“Okay. Good luck today.”
I tossed my phone on the bed and passed Uncle Joe on the stairs. He lifted the small lamp in his hands. “Wouldn’t let me help him with the mattress. Little shit thinks I’m too old to carry more than five pounds.”
I chuckled. “Don’t worry. When I move out, I’ll put my feet up on the couch, and you can load the entire truck yourself.”
Our cousin Cara’s room was the first door at the top of the stairs. She lay on her belly in the center of her bed, kicking her feet in the air while reading a magazine.
“Don’t worry, Cara,” I called as I passed. “We got it.”
I chuckled and kept going to Jayce’s room at the end of the hall. His door was open, but he wasn’t inside. I looked around the other rooms on the second floor, but he was nowhere to be found. So, I took a seat on his bed and looked at the half-empty room. Even though we were only in the same place for the summers, it would be weird to live here alone. Jayce had been the constant in my life, before and after Mom died.