Page 15 of Ego Maniac
Drew took a few steps away and stopped. “What’s the password?”
“Ummm. Fuck.”
“You don’t want me to know your password?”
“No. My password is fuck.”
Drew chuckled. “Girl after my own heart.” Then he typed it in and was gone again.
By the time noon rolled around, my stomach was growling since I woke up late and hadn’t eaten any breakfast. But I couldn’t leave the office and chance missing the furniture delivery company again. When I heard Drew take a break from talking on the phone, I ventured to the file room.
“Do you usually order lunch? I’m afraid to go out and miss the delivery.”
“Sometimes. What are you in the mood for?”
I shrugged. “I don’t care. I’m not picky.”
“How about Indian food? Curry House is a few blocks away and delivers quick.”
I scrunched up my nose.
“You don’t like Indian food?”
“Not really.”
“Okay. How about Chinese?”
“Too much MSG.”
“I’m allergic to fish.”
“Too heavy for lunch.”
“You do understand what the phrase I’m not picky means, right?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Of course. You’re just picking weird stuff.”
“What would you like to eat, Emerie?”
He nodded. “Pizza it is. See? I’m not picky.”
After we finished lunch, Drew took his phone from the charger. Then he reached for mine. “Can I look at your pictures?”
“My phone pictures? Why?”
“Best way to get to know someone is to look at their cell phone pictures when they least expect it.”
“I’m not even sure what I have on there.”
“That’s the point. If you have a chance to clean up your pictures, I won’t be seeing the real you. I’ll be seeing what you want me to see.”
I tried to remember if there was anything embarrassing or incriminating on the phone as Drew slid it from my side of the table to his with a smirk on his face. At the last second, I covered his hand with mine, stopping him.