Page 107 of Ego Maniac
“What the hell does that mean? I didn’t screw her over. I got screwed over. I’m doing what’s best for her.”
Roman stood. “Not gonna fight with you, buddy. I’ll tail her if that’s what you want. But maybe you should ask yourself if what’s best for Emerie might be letting her make her own decision on how to handle your relationship.”
“You were amazing,” Baldwin said from the doorway.
I looked up from packing my lecture materials. “How long have you been standing there?”
“I caught the last five minutes.”
“You’re being kind. I was a nervous wreck.”
He smiled. “It gets easier. But seriously, it didn’t show.”
Two days ago Baldwin had called to say one of the department’s TAs had to leave unexpectedly and asked if I wanted to fill in. It would practically assure me the adjunct faculty position I was interviewing for tomorrow, so I agreed, even though I had zero desire to do anything these days. Getting out of bed was an effort.
After I finished packing, I walked to the door. “Are you heading to a class?”
“Nope. Just finished grading papers and wanted to check in on you. How about some lunch? There’s a great little bistro a few blocks away that makes the best ahi tuna salad.”
For the last month, I’d been avoiding Baldwin out of deference to Drew, but there was no reason to do that anymore. Even though I wasn’t much in the mood for company, I knew locking myself in my apartment and being sad wasn’t really healthy.
“Sure. I’d love to.”
Baldwin and I ate lunch outside next to the heat lamps since it was a beautiful afternoon. At one point, I got up to go the ladies’ room, and I spotted a man sitting in a car parked half a block down. The car was at my back while I was eating, so I had no idea how long it had been there, but I could have sworn the man inside was Roman. After we finished lunch, I looked for the car again, but it was already gone.
Later in the day, after running my afternoon errands, I went home to do an online counseling session. I couldn’t even open the front door all the way because my apartment was crammed with office furniture. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to leave before finding new space, but I just couldn’t stay there anymore. Even when Drew wasn’t around, all I could think about was him. I’d thought ridding myself of having to see the desk we’d had sex on and the copy room we’d first met in would help me think about him less. Unfortunately, my thoughts traveled with me instead of staying behind at the office.
While I was setting up my laptop so my patients wouldn’t see the crazy room full of office furniture, a knock came at my door. I hated that I got my hopes up, thinking maybe it was Drew. I was confused when I saw Roman through my peephole.
I opened the door. “Roman?”
He stood gripping the top of the doorway. “I’ve been instructed to tail you.”
“I thought I saw you at the restaurant today.”
“Can I come in? I won’t take up much of your time.”
“Ummm…sure. Of course. But I should warn you, the place is a mess. I moved my office into my tiny apartment and have no place to put anything, so it’s basically taken over my living room.” I opened the door as wide as I could, and Roman came in. “Can I get you something to drink?”
He held up his hand. “I’m good.”
There were piles of files all over the couch. I started to collect them to make room for him to sit.
“Do you want to have a seat? Get comfortable so you can tell me why you’re following me?”
He chuckled. “Sure.”
I sat down on my office chair across from him and waited for him to begin.
“Drew asked me to tail you. He claims he wants to make sure your new office is in a safe neighborhood.”
“And what if it wasn’t? What’s he going to do with that information?”
Roman shrugged. “Shit don’t always make sense when a man’s in love.”
“In love? Did you miss the part where he dumped me?”