Page 43 of A Wild Card Kiss (Happy Endings 1)
“I take Violet on dates. We go to coffee shops, and we like karaoke,” he says a little defensively as he grabs some weights.
“I like karaoke too, but workout dates are fun. It gives you something to do other than twiddling your thumbs over a cup of joe,” Jason puts in.
Shane nods sagely. “Exactly. Coffee is so last century. But I prefer concerts and clubs.”
Cooper turns to me. “And do you, Mister So in Touch, have plans for a date tonight?”
“I sure do,” I say with a grin, sliding into lunges to stretch my hammies some more.
“Bet Harlan nicks your idea, Jay, and brings her here to hit the Stairmaster,” Shane deadpans.
“Yes, that’s me. I have zero creativity,” I say with a roll of my eyes. “But it’s not a workout date, so don’t worry, Jason. I won’t be stealing your plans.”
“By all means, steal them. Workout dates are awesome,” he says.
“I’m gonna take your word on that, duckling. I’m more of a get-out-of-the-gym type of guy.”
Jason stops his biceps curls and sets down the weights. “One hundred bucks says you wind up doing workout dates sooner rather than later, Harlan.”
“Ooh. The kid throws down,” Cooper hoots. “You in, King of the Jungle?”
It’s not in my nature to turn down a challenge. I cross the distance and shake with Jason. “You’re on.”
“I can’t wait for you to say you were right,” he says as we place our bets.
“So young. So cocky,” I muse.
Cooper chuckles. “We’ll take the blame for that. Now, back to you. Who is she, tonight’s non-workout date?”
I’m stoked to tell them; I’ve been hoping for another chance with Katie for a while. Timing has been all wrong—but now, it’s just right. Third time’s a charm.
“Someone I’ve been wanting to see for a long while. So don’t wait up for this old man,” I say with a wink. “Because I can go all night long, and we don’t need a workout date for that to happen. Take that, little ducklings.”
When we’re done, I head to the stadium with the other Renegades, counting down the hours till I see Katie again.
I’ve got a good feeling about this date.
I blast The Go-Go’s as I zoom around my place, getting ready to kick ass and take names.
I down my green tea, singing along to Belinda Carlisle in between sips and bites of my vegan breakfast sausage.
The music is getting me in the mood to see that man tonight, taking me back to our unexpected evening four months ago.
Not that getting in the mood for Harlan is hard, but I like the reminder of our last night together.
And I’d like to have another night very soon.
When I finish my breakfast, I brush my teeth, cinch my hair in a ponytail, and text Emerson.
Katie: Breakfast of champions! Watched your show and tried one of those vegan sausages you recommended.
* * *
Emerson: You’ve always loved sausage.
* * *
Katie: Pot. Kettle.
* * *
Emerson: Absolutely. Also, yay for vegan sausage, but tonight I hope you get the non-vegan kind.
* * *
Katie: How can you be adorable and gross at the same time?
* * *
Emerson: It’s a talent.
* * *
Katie: Love ya! I’m off to meet a new client. Zachary is killing it with deal-making. He’s sending me to work with a venture company to do a stress-release workshop.
* * *
Emerson: Go be a badass yoga babe.
* * *
Katie: Always.
On that note, I grab my bright red purse, tuck my phone inside it, and bound down the steps of my building to the waiting car.
“Hey, Saul,” I say to the driver.
“Hello, Miss Madigan. You’re looking spirited this morning. But then, you often are.”
“Only way to be.” I flash him a grin. He’s my regular guy—I like to use a driver when I have a ton of meetings, and today is one of those days. This way I can work as I zip around the Bay Area.
I slide into the back of the car right as my phone buzzes.
Grabbing it from my bag, I glance at the screen, and a giddy smile takes over my face. A message from the man of the day blinks at me.
Harlan: Question—would a foosball/ice cream shop work for tonight’s date? After dinner, of course.
* * *
Katie: Two of my favorite things. Three, if you count dinner. But does the shop have a good name? I require a clever name.
* * *
Harlan: Darn. The only place I found that offers two of life’s greatest treats is called . . . wait for it . . . Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe.
* * *
Katie: I’m so sad thinking about all the missed opportunities there. They could have called it Poles and Cones.
* * *
Harlan: Ah, good one. I was thinking Sweet Cheeks and Sticks for my future foosball/ice cream joint.
* * *
Katie: And will you serve Libido cones and cups of Desire?