Page 72 of When He's Sinful (The Olympus Pride 3)
Camden brushed his hand over the spot where a bullet had earlier grazed her. Thanks to Sam, it was now healed, but she was still somewhat pissed about it.
“When I saw that shrine, my heart ached for him,” she said. “But then I turned and saw the photos of you, and I realized he had to be our guy. I don’t pity him anymore. I can’t sympathize with a person who would try to outright kill someone I care about.” She exhaled heavily. “How long do you think it will be before he strikes again?”
“Hopefully not before we’ve found some way to locate him. I doubt he’ll stay inactive for long. I think the only thing keeping him going is his need for vengeance. The man has nothing left to live for.”
“I agree. He’s enjoying this game he’s playing. He doesn’t seem in a rush to finish it. But then, I suppose if you’ve waited for something for a very long time, you might want to relish it a little. He could also feel you don’t deserve a quick death, given he senselessly blames you for LaToya’s.”
Camden’s eyes drifted over her face. “If someone took you from me, I’d make them pay in every way imaginable. It wouldn’t be quick. Wouldn’t be easy. Wouldn’t be merciful.”
“You didn’t take LaToya from him.”
“But that’s how he sees it. And to be fair, I could have saved her. I chose not to. I chose you.”
“And he hates us both for that.” She’d sensed that earlier. “He hasn’t just been fucking with my world to hurt you. He’s striking out at us both. I think he wants me and you dead, and I think he probably intends to kill himself afterwards. Like you said, he has nothing else to live for.”
Camden’s face went hard. “He won’t get what he wants. I plan to kill him first.”
“That’s my plan, too.” She leaned into Camden, humming when he began to play with her hair. “Interested in letting our animals go for a run in the yard together? My bearcat could do with some time out and about. It might help her blood pressure come down. She’s still all worked up about earlier.”
“Sure. My tiger would like some time with her.”
Aspen straightened and cast him a sideways look. “Hmm, well, tell him not to bite her this time. He always does it, even though it never fails to make her try to scratch his eyes out.”
“What can I say, he’s very oral.”
“Just tell him to behave himself, please.”
“Fine. But I don’t know why you think he’d listen.”
Down in the yard, Camden’s tiger snarled at the memories of what happened the last time they came out here. But his attention was mostly on Aspen, who promptly stripped off her clothes and then shifted.
Camden crouched down just as her adorable bearcat padded over to him. It didn’t surprise him when she tried slipping her little paws into his pockets. “I have nothing for you to steal,” he said, petting her soft fur. Although she didn’t welcome touch, she allowed it from him. And yeah, that made him smug.
The bearcat tweeted at him—the sound seemed like an impatient bid for him to hurry and shift.
“You want to play, huh? All right.” He shed his clothes and gave his animal supremacy.
The tiger licked at the bearcat, grooming her. She made a twittering sound of complaint, eager to play. But the big cat was in no rush. So she yanked on his whiskers and then ran. With a snarl, he gave chase.
They played for hours—climbing trees, running through the long grass, splashing in the pond.
The tiger then lazed on the ground to rest. The bearcat climbed onto his back and sprawled herself over him, using his body like it was a tree branch. Sensing she was being watched, the bearcat opened one eye. Their Beta was hanging out of an open window, staring at them like they both had two heads.
He cleared his throat. “All right.”
The bearcat closed her eye and let herself doze.
Maybe Camden should have just turned the Crescent tigers away when they appeared at the center a short while back. Agreeing to speak with them had seemed to open some sort of floodgate and had given them the impression that, despite his claims to not want them in his life, they had a chance of changing his mind. Why else would Judith and her mate turn up at Camden’s building, expecting admittance?
He would have sent them on their way if Judith hadn’t said via the intercom that she was here about Julius, which Camden suspected meant that her territory’s vandal had struck again. It surprised him since, as he’d pointed out to Aspen, there was nothing left there of his parents or himself for Wayland to ruin.
Camden hadn’t told Sheridan about the Wayland situation, because he had no wish to share his personal business with the Crescent tigers. It wasn’t as if he could tell them much anyway, given he wouldn’t be sharing that he once worked for the Movement.