Page 59 of When He's Sinful (The Olympus Pride 3)
“It can be an obstacle at times,” the mamba insisted.
Sighing, Aspen shook her head.
“I have to say,” began Havana, studying her closely, “you don’t look at peace with the decision you’ve made. Something’s bugging you. What?”
Aspen rubbed at her temple. “Nothing major. I’m simply doing what I always do. Overthinking stuff.”
“Like?” Havana prodded.
“Like, well, I’ve only ever had shallow relationships—you know that. I never felt anything for those guys. So when the flings ran their course and we parted ways, it didn’t matter. Didn’t hurt. But Camden … there’s no way to have emotionless sex with someone who you’re so close to. And we wouldn’t truly part ways after this runs its course, we’d just stop sleeping together. I worry that …” She let the sentence trail off, wishing she hadn’t mentioned it.
“You worry that, unlike with your past relationships, you’ll be hurt when this ends?” asked Havana. “Hurt, but unable to easily shake it off because he’ll be right there in your space every day?”
Aspen nodded. “Yes. That. I’d have to carry on as normal. And I would—it’d be unfair to cut him out for even a short while. It would be like punishing him for ending it. I could never do that. I could never hurt him that way. But I wouldn’t have the space to sort my head out. He’d never give it to me.”
Crossing to her, Bailey gave a slow nod. “Yeah, he does like to commandeer as much of your time as he can. Always has. But just because you care for Camden doesn’t automatically mean you’ll struggle going back to being platonic friends. It could actually be an easy transition. You might even feel better for it, because you’ll have burned out the chemistry—it’ll no longer be running in the background playing havoc with your good sense.”
“Bailey’s right,” Havana cut in. “There’s no point in worrying over what may or may not happen. You’ll only tie yourself in knots, and that’ll taint this for you. Just enjoy it.”
“It is enjoyable, right?” asked Bailey. “I mean, it occurred to me that you might not find him good in the sack.”
Aspen blinked. “Huh?”
“Well, he’s used to sleeping with guys—that’s a different ball game. Because they have balls. And a dick. Women don’t.”
“I kind of already knew that,” said Aspen.
“So, is he good or what?”
“I am so not discussing this with you.”
“Why not? I tell you guys about my sexy times.”
“And we often wish you didn’t.”
Bailey sighed. “You’re still disturbed by that human guy sucking my toes, aren’t you?”
“Well they’re toes. And he trickled warm, melted cheese over them. I mean, what the fuck?”
“Just tell me if Camden’s good between the sheets.”
“No, drop it. I’m not telling you shit.”
Bailey’s shoulders drooped. “God, you’re so insensitive.”
“Insensitive to what?”
“My needs.”
“And you absolutely need to know how Camden is in bed?”
“I don’t like having to guess.”
“All right, stop,” Havana interrupted. “We have to—” She cut herself off as the breakroom door opened. “Oh, hey, Corbin.”
Corbin ran his gaze over all of them, looking as suspicious as always. “What are you three doing?”
“Debating what would happen if a werewolf bit a zombie,” said Bailey.
The grizzly grimaced. “What?”
“As we see it, there are a few possibilities,” said Bailey. “One, the werewolf’s bite could turn the zombie into a werewolf. Two, tasting the zombie’s blood could turn the werewolf into a zombie. Three, the were—”
“I don’t care,” Corbin said, raising a hand. “Please spare me this nonsense.”
“As you like.”
“I do, however, wish to know if you’re the reason why Ginny’s currently having a breakdown in the shower room.”
Bailey smiled. “If you’re asking if I put hair removal cream in her shampoo, then yes, that was me. Booyah.”
Camden had taken three steps into the restroom when a toilet flushed. One of the stall doors swung open with a creak. His tiger bared a fang when Randy stepped out.
This was just what Camden needed to improve his mood.
The hyena’s eyes dropped to Camden’s jaw and then hardened to stone. He swallowed hard. “So it’s true. You let someone mark you.”
“Evidently.” Camden skirted around him and headed to the urinals.
“I heard Aspen was covered in bites yesterday.”
“Did you?” Camden asked, his tone bored, as he unzipped his fly.
“Some people are saying they were your brands. They think you’re now wearing hers.”
Camden was aware of that. People had been whispering their speculations all morning, not daring to ask him straight out. Apparently, he wasn’t very approachable. “Hmm.”
A long moment of expectant silence passed. “Well are they right?” Randy asked as Camden was refastening his fly.
“I don’t see how that’s your business.” And Camden’s beast didn’t like that the hyena seemed to think he was owed any explanations.
“I just want to know one thing.”
Turning, Camden said, “I don’t care.” Harsh, but true.
Randy scrutinized his face. “I never mattered to you, did I?” It wasn’t a question. It was a realization that he should have come to long before now.