Page 31 of When He's Sinful (The Olympus Pride 3)
“I agree,” said Tate before sliding his gaze to Jerome. “But I’ll be keeping an eye on you from afar just the same. I’m the suspicious sort.”
Jerome only swallowed hard.
The Alpha looked at Camden. “Untie him.”
Licking the front of his teeth, Camden only stared back at Tate, his fists clenched.
“I get that you’re exponentially pissed right now,” said the Alpha. “I don’t blame you for that. I’m equally pissed. But let’s direct that anger at the right person.”
Camden’s jaw hardened, but he didn’t move. As if he’d locked his muscles in place because he didn’t trust that he wouldn’t slit Jerome’s throat in a rage if he moved.
Maybe the Beta sensed that was the case, because Luke crossed to Jerome and freed him from his binds.
The lion gave Aspen a miserable look as he tucked his possessions back in his pockets. “I am so fucking sorry.”
“Not your fault. You were set up.” She tipped her chin toward the front door, and he wasted no time in leaving. Aspen blew out a breath. “My keyboard warrior struck again.”
The corners of Havana’s eyes tightened. “This is way more serious than him bombing you with offensive messages or even doctoring pictures of you.”
“Oh, I know that,” Aspen gritted out. “They basically arranged to have me assaulted without having to do the dirty work themselves or even pay anyone a single dime to do it. Which is why I’m not pointing the finger at Randy. He’s petty and bitchy and bitter. But he’s not cruel. He wouldn’t arrange to have someone assaulted.”
“Whoever did has a serious grudge against you,” said Bailey, having shifted back to her human form, as she pulled on her clothes.
“And they somehow managed to make a copy of my front door key. Yeah, I know it isn’t hard to do that these days. Hell, there are even online apps that will mail you a duplicate of a key from a photograph. But someone still got close enough to at least snap a picture of my key. That means they’re not completely hiding behind a computer.”
“And they have to be someone from our pride.” Tate rubbed the back of his neck. “An outsider wouldn’t know the code to this building.”
“They would if they’d come here with one of the residents,” said Luke. “It wouldn’t be hard to sneak a look while someone punched in the code. We can contact the SHFT website and see if they’ll give up the details of whoever created the account in Aspen’s name. But if they guarantee their members anonymity as part of their policy, they won’t tell us shit.”
Havana rested a hand on Aspen’s shoulder. “You okay?”
Aspen gave her a wan smile. “Yeah, just …” Thinking on what could have happened if I hadn’t overpowered Jerome. To be honest, her bearcat was so worked up she wouldn’t have cared if Camden had killed the lion merely to vent his anger.
Havana squeezed her shoulder. “Maybe you should come home with me and—”
“She’s staying with me tonight.” The guttural words rumbled out of Camden, his tone leaving no room for argument. But it didn’t get Aspen’s back up, because she knew this wasn’t a case of him being a bossy bastard, or even him believing she couldn’t take care of herself. This was a case of him having no chance at calming if he couldn’t see for himself that she was safe.
Havana nodded at him. “That would be good. She shouldn’t be alone.”
People steadily trickled out of the apartment until only Aspen and Camden remained.
Still the image of barely leashed fury, he rolled back his shoulders. “Get whatever you need,” he told her, his voice like gravel.
Once she’d stuffed some of her things into a duffel bag, he led her to his apartment. The space was stark. Basic. Almost clinical in the way that it lacked any personal touches. She knew he hadn’t made any attempts to make it into a home because he didn’t intend to live here permanently. He was positive she’d give him his way eventually.
He didn’t indicate where she should sleep. He didn’t do anything other than stand in the middle of the living area and stare at nothing. He all but vibrated with an anger he wouldn’t be able to suppress much longer if she didn’t somehow help. But helping wouldn’t be so easy when his tiger’s rage was no doubt feeding his own.
She placed her duffel on the floor and then slowly crossed to him. Knowing he didn’t have a bed in his spare room, she said, “I’ll take the couch.”
He faced her, his eyes cold and glittering. “No. You’ll be in my bed. I’ll be in here on the couch, making sure no one gets to you.”
“I don’t think anything else will happen tonight.”
“But something else will happen at some point. You need to move in with me until all this shit blows over. Or I can move in with you, whatever.”