Page 27 of When He's Sinful (The Olympus Pride 3)
“I hope your tiger doesn’t try it,” Elle told Aspen. “Grant’s an enforcer, and he’s damn good at combat. I’ve seen him take on—and take down—multiple people at once.”
“Doesn’t matter how good he is,” said Havana. “He’ll never overpower Camden. I’ve yet to see anyone do that.”
Surprise flickered across Elle’s face. “Really? Hmm. Then I hope for Grant’s sake that the two men don’t come to blows.”
Luke appeared at their table. “Interested in a game of pool? The girls versus the guys?”
Bailey stood. “Why not? Kicking the boys’ asses at pool sounds like it could be fun.”
As a group, the females followed Luke to the pool table.
Deke skimmed his eyes along every woman except Bailey—it was a clear snub. “Sure you girls want to do this?”
“You say that like it’s a given that you’ll all win,” said Elle. “Which it isn’t.” She leaned into Bailey and added, “Deke is a terrible loser, just so you know.”
The enforcer frowned. “Not only do I lose gracefully, I rarely ever lose.”
“You will tonight,” Bailey informed him.
Deke gave her a dismissive “yeah, sure” look.
Camden put his mouth to Aspen’s ear. “Do we warn him that she could beat us all at pool in her sleep?”
Aspen hummed. “I don’t see a need to. He’ll soon work it out. Surprises are good for the soul.”
“Then we let him find out the hard way.” Camden passed his bottle to her. “Hold my beer for me, gorgeous. I need to use the bathroom.”
Overhearing him, Bailey asked, “Are you going for a number one or a number two?” She raised her hands when he didn’t answer. “I’m just wondering how long you’ll be, that’s all.”
“Put it this way,” said Camden. “I’ll be fast.”
“Number one it is.”
Stepping out of the restroom, Camden inwardly cursed. Because he’d not only almost walked straight into Grant, the other male didn’t step aside. Camden’s tiger jumped to his feet with a growl, ready for any trouble.
“You need to back off,” the pallas cat blurted out.
Camden felt his brows lift slightly. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. And you know what I mean.” Grant thrust his hand through his hair. “When I saw how close you and Aspen were, I had a feeling you’d be a problem. Look, I get that she’s your friend. I won’t try to come between you.”
Camden snorted. “You say that as if you could.” It was almost amusing. Almost. “No one could.”
“Surely you want her to be happy.”
Camden really did not have the time for this shit. But he’d rather the dick was bugging him than pestering Aspen. “She is happy.” He wouldn’t permit anything else.
“She could be happier. She could be settling down and starting a family. Surely you want that future for her.”
The thought of her belly swollen with another man’s baby made Camden’s stomach drop. His tiger didn’t react any better to the image. “If you believe you’ll be part of that future, you’re very much mistaken.”
“She says she isn’t my true mate, and you have no reason to disbelieve her—I get that. But I’m not wrong. She’d see that if she’d only open her mind to the idea. At the moment, she won’t. She has all the shutters down. But I think she’d open them if she had the right encouragement from the right person. You.”
“You want me to ask her to consider that you two might actually be mates?” The guy could not be serious.
“She trusts you. She’d listen to you.”
“Yeah, she would. And I need you to do the same.” Camden stalked right into his personal space. “Aspen isn’t for you. I’m not sure why, despite her protests, you insist on believing otherwise.”
“My cat detests everything and everyone. He’s always moody, always wanting to pick a fight, always angry. He’s been that way for a long time. Nothing ever soothes him. Nothing ever amuses or intrigues him. He’s in a constant state of pissed-the-fuck-off. Except when Aspen is close by. My cat is at peace around her.”
“So is mine. She gives him that. Always has.”
Grant blinked, his mouth bopping open and closed.
“My opinion? Your true mate is a bearcat, so being around Aspen comforts him somehow—I’ve seen that kind of thing happen before.”
Grant’s mouth tightened. “This isn’t about Aspen being a bearcat.”
“Maybe not. But I know one thing for certain. She isn’t yours.”
“What, you think she belongs to you or something? If so, that’s bullshit.”
Camden leaned toward him. “Wrong,” he said, his voice low and deep and sure. “Aspen’s mine in a way she’ll never be anyone else’s.”
“But a true-mate bond would trump whatever platonic connection you two have, wouldn’t it? That’s why you don’t want me around her.” Smugness glinted in the pallas cat’s eyes. “It’s not that you’re so certain I’m not her mate. It’s that you’re terrified I just might be.”
“Wrong again. See, one thing you clearly haven’t learned about Aspen is that she knows her own mind. If she says you’re not hers, I have no reason to doubt her. And I don’t.”