Page 105 of When He's Sinful (The Olympus Pride 3)
“Such as?”
Julius didn’t respond. Probably because he had no real clue of all that had been happening lately so wasn’t sure what he could pin on this fictional helper.
“And you never thought to approach Camden and tell him all this?” asked Vinnie, no emotion in his tone. It was just a casual question.
Julius shrugged. “I’m telling him now.”
“Only because you were captured,” said Vinnie.
Julius cut his gaze back to Camden. “You deserved to suffer some. I heard from my associate within the Crescent Pride how you got your mama in trouble. Let me tell you something, boy. Esme didn’t do anything to you that was worse than what our parents did to us. Now they were sick fucks. The used to laugh when they hurt us. They weren’t laughing when I killed them.”
Not willing to get drawn into a conversation about Esme—and not so sure the male truly did kill his own parents—Camden asked, “What’s the helper’s name?”
Moments of silence ticked by before Julius finally replied, “I’ll tell you. But I’ll also tell you straight up that I want at them—they sprayed shit all over my sister’s grave. That I didn’t like much. Promise me you’ll hand them over to me, and I’ll give you their name.” He slid his gaze to Vinnie. “You’re the Alpha male’s daddy, right? Text him and ask for permission for me to have the kill, or make the decision on his behalf.”
“Why is it you need his word?” asked Vinnie.
Oh, and then the smirk was back again. “Because the helper is one of your own.”
The knock on the front door made Aspen blink in surprise. It obviously wasn’t Camden, or he’d have used his key. Unless he’d forgotten it or something.
A glance through the peephole made her frown. It wasn’t Camden. It also wasn’t someone she’d have expected to see. Opening the door, she narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing here?”
Aimee shifted from foot to foot. “I didn’t actually come to speak to you. But, um … someone else has.” She stepped aside. And none other than Grant moved into view.
Aspen’s bearcat let out a long hiss and jumped to her feet.
“I’m sorry, but I knew you wouldn’t open the door if you saw me here,” he quickly said, the image of contrite. “And you’d have every reason not to give me the time of day. But I’m not here to argue with you. I just want to apologize. Please?” God, he looked so lost and pitiful.
“If you won’t do this for Grant, do it for the pride as a whole,” Aimee said to her. “We shouldn’t be fighting amongst ourselves. Enough is enough. So many people feel torn, like they should take either his side or Camden’s. There shouldn’t be sides, so please hear my cousin out. You’re welcome to slam the door if you don’t like what you hear. I’m just asking, on behalf of everyone this situation affects, that you give him a moment of your time.”
Aspen clasped the doorknob tighter. “Emotional blackmail doesn’t work on me, and I don’t appreciate you trying to shift the weight of all this crap onto me. However, I will hear him out if it means it’ll all be well and truly over.” Plus, it would be a nice distraction. “But Grant, you need to make it quick.”
Aimee looked from her to him. “I’ll leave you two to talk.” With that, she walked off.
Grant cleared his throat. “I heard that you and Camden are true mates and …” He took a sharp breath. “I’ll admit, I didn’t want to believe it at first. But everyone’s assured me that it’s true. And I can sense that your scent has mixed with his, so …” Pausing, he rubbed a hand down his face. “Fuck, Aspen, I really am sorry. For everything. For the shit I said to you. For the scenes I caused. For not listening to you.
“That person I’ve been the past few months … that’s not me. It’s not. I don’t expect you to accept my apology. But I wanted to make it anyway, so when I saw Camden leave the building, I took the opportunity to talk to you alone. He’d never have let me near you—and for good reason. I’ll apologize to him, too, of course. I doubt he’ll care all that much if I’m sorry or not, but I still owe him an apology.”
“You do. You accused him of trying to kill you.”
Grant winced. “I know, I just couldn’t think who else would have done it. I don’t have enemies. At least not the kind who’d run me off a road. Camden doesn’t seem like a person who lets his conscience get in the way—I don’t mean I think he’s evil. But I think there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to have or keep you. That can make people do things they wouldn’t normally do.”