Page 63 of D is for Deacon (Men of ALPHAbet Mountain)
One hand clenched my hips and pulled me down harder with each thrust. I felt like I was losing my mind as the intensity of the climax just kept reaching higher and higher. My whole body felt like it was on fire, and I could feel every cell, every breath, every droplet of sweat in incredible detail.
I bounced on him until I heard him groaning underneath, his eyes burning deep into mine with a fiery focus that locked my mind onto him. Suddenly, he roared and went stock-still, and I pressed down so he was as deep inside me as I could get him, our hips crushing against each other’s. My wet, aching pussy milked him as he came, and finally, I collapsed beside him on his right side and curled into his arms.
We lay there in the dim light of the one lamp on for a while, and eventually I got up to turn it off. When I curled back into bed, he kissed me deeply, and I felt I couldn’t keep anything inside anymore.
“I want you to sleep on this, okay? Don’t say anything tonight,” I said. “I want this. Forever. I want to be a wife and a mother and to have this life with you. The age difference, your experience, it’s intimidating, but I want it anyway. Don’t say anything right now. I just needed to tell you while I had the courage.”
With that, I turned over, breaking the intense gaze between us, and curled my back into his side. After just a short while, I drifted off to a deep, dreamless sleep.
Rebecca fell asleep in my arm with the words she said rolling through my head. It was a lot to process, a lot to talk about, and she wanted me to wait to talk about it until the morning. Not that I wanted to. I knew what I wanted to tell her already.
She wanted kids. She wanted to be a mother. I never knew that about her, and the fact that she seemed like she didn’t know that I wanted a family meant that maybe we didn’t know each other as well as it sometimes felt like we did. There was so much more for us to explore and learn about each other, so much more for us to experience.
I knew she was on birth control. I had watched her take the pill every morning after she woke up, and the pills were in my bathroom at that moment. But she wanted kids. She was serious about her relationships and wanted to be married and have a kid with her partner. And she wanted her partner to be me.
It was exactly what I had hoped to hear but didn’t think I would. As much as I had figured out that maybe she was serious about our relationship and was waiting on me to tell her I was serious too. I planned on telling her as soon as I could. Maybe even the next morning.
Things were moving fast, much faster than anything had in a long time. Since I’d left the military, the world had been a whirlwind, but at the same time, it didn’t really feel like it changed that much. I was still with my best friend, Everett. We were still sticking by Carter and making sure he was okay. We went into a business together that I knew very little of going, and yet it still felt like things were just following a pattern.
But once everything started happening with Rebecca, the whirlwind of life took me so much further than I ever thought and could go so much further or and faster than I could imagine. I felt stronger for her than I had ever felt for anyone, and here she was telling me she felt the same way. It was like nothing I had ever experienced, and even with my arm in a cast and my head occasionally dizzy because of the drugs, I was excited to move further with her.
After the accident, things had gotten clearer for me. Having her not wanting me to talk about things until I had a clear head made it even more clear. I had all this time to think about what I wanted, and I knew what it was. I wanted her. No matter what the age difference was, no matter what the situation was with her work or my injuries, I didn’t want to spend another day without her.
Though it could end up being a bit of a complicated mess and would require some figuring out. Things that might lead to difficult conversations and decisions being made that maybe wouldn’t make everyone happy. The one I worried about most was Everett.
The fact was I owned this house. It was mine, and Everett was living with me because I’d asked him to. But this house was designed to be for a family. Even the renovations I was planning on making were in mind for a family, thinking that maybe I would sell it one day when Everett decided he wanted his own place. I knew he had been talking about maybe getting a place closer to our job or maybe closer to town.