Page 65 of Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)
“Yeah, that…and so much more. I’ve been so envious of you over all the years.”
Rory’s mouth drops open, and she walks back to me. “Envious? Of me?”
“Well…yeah. You’re a beauty queen like Mom was. And me? I’m kind of the black sheep of the Pike family.”
Rory bursts into laughter.
“What the hell? I don’t see what’s funny from where I’m standing.”
She pulls me into a hug. She’s still laughing.
I push her away. “Seriously. What the fuck?”
“Callie, it is funny. It’s funny because I’ve always been jealous of you.”
This time my mouth drops. “Uh…why, exactly?”
“For many reasons, but one big one is that you have normal-sized boobs. You can wear button-up blouses without the fabric puckering. You have a gorgeous ass and gorgeous legs. And those eyes. So bright and fiery. Mine are dull brown. But none of those are the main reason.”
My jaw is still dropped, so I say nothing.
“The biggest reason is your intellectual ability. You think I could ever get through law school?”
“I haven’t actually been to law school yet.”
“I know, but you killed it on the LSAT, and I know you’ll kill it in law school. And then there’s the whole bisexual thing.”
My jaw drops again.
“I mean, I’m happy with who I am. I’m not ashamed. But it makes life a little harder, you know? To not be the norm.”
This time I carefully pick up my jaw. “Oh my God, I had no idea. All this time, I look at you, and you’re so beautiful, and so talented, and everyone loves you, men and women alike. And you love them. You’re like the ultimate person in my eyes.”
Rory smiles. “That’s not at all how I see myself. And you don’t see yourself the way I see you. Isn’t that just crazy?”
“Everyone sees you the way I see you, Rory.”
“And everyone sees you the way I see you,” she says. “I hear it all the time. Callie is so smart. Callie is so beautiful.”
“Who the hell says that?”
“Well, the smart stuff I’ve been hearing since day one from Mom and Dad. Jesse and I have commiserated about it over the years. I’m not sure our parents were exactly thrilled when the two of us decided to go into the performing arts.”
“They’re very proud of both of you.”
“I know that, and I know they love all of us. But you’re the one who’s going to make a name for herself. You’re the one who’s going to do something amazing.”
“By practicing law? You and Jesse have your faces out there, your voices out there.”
“Yeah, I was supposed to be a huge operatic mezzo soprano, but I sing part time with my brother’s rock band. And Jess? He’s an incredible talent, but he’s still here in Snow Creek. He’s not in LA making waves.”
“You’re an amazing voice and piano teacher.”
“I am. I get that. But someday I’m going to have a student who surpasses me. Who makes it when I didn’t.”
“Maybe. But you’ll help that happen. You’ll always be that guiding force in that student’s life.”
“I love my job. I love teaching. But my first love is and always will be performance.”