Page 133 of Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)
“I suppose we don’t have a choice. What are your parents going to think?”
“They won’t think anything. Okay, maybe they will, but they won’t say anything.” He chuckles. “Okay, maybe they will. But they won’t embarrass you. They’ll just ask where we were, and I’ll tell them…” His eyes widen. “I’ve got it. I’ll tell them I took you into the office to show you the actual pumpkin diamond ring.”
“Good,” I say. “Except now I want to see the ring.” I laugh.
“All right. Let’s see if anyone’s missing us, and then I’ll take you to see it.”
We head back out to the party through the kitchen, which, mercifully, is empty. Everyone’s outside. Jade and Marjorie are setting up the Welcome home, Talon cake.
“We should probably have some cake,” I say.
Before Donny can respond, the vultures are on us, shaking our hands, offering congratulations.
Rory pulls me aside. “Where were you?”
My cheeks warm. “We’ve been here.”
“Right. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine.” That’s all she’ll get out of me. I’m not about to tell my sister what Donny and I were doing in his room. I can hear her now.
TMI, Cal. Geez.
“What have you been doing?”
“Singing, of course. You missed our first set.”
She laughs. “I’ll bet you are. But I did something kind of stupid.”
“Right before the band went on, I made out with Brock.”
“Brock Steel?”
“No, Brock O’Hurn.”
“Who the heck is Brock O’Hurn?”
“That hot male model with long hair?” Rory rolls her eyes. “Of course it was Brock Steel.”
“Well…how was it?”
“I didn’t hate it,” she says, her brown eyes sparkling.
“He’s a Rake-a-teer,” I warn.
“You’re marrying the original Rake-a-teer,” she chides.
“Touché,” I say.
“It was nice,” she says. “Just nice to fool around and know it doesn’t mean anything.”
“And”—she grins—“he’s a damned good kisser.” She squeezes my arm. “Enjoy being queen for the evening. I’m going to get some cake.”