Page 12 of Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)
My mind is analytical. I look at all the facts, discard all the emotion, and then hypothesize theories.
And frankly, the fact is that Jordan is the only other person who knows where we buried that key.
“How well do you know him?” I ask Jordan.
“He came on to me. But then again, he comes on to everyone. I didn’t particularly want him to be my escort for the homecoming procession, but it’s not like I had a choice. He was voted onto the court.”
“Why is that again? He’s not a football player.” Rory cocks her head.
“Yeah, but he’s a star baseball player, and he hangs out with the football team.”
“You know he’s been stalking Rory, right?” I say.
Jordan’s eyes widen. “He has?”
“Geez, Callie.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to get information on the guy. He freaking poisoned that punch at the homecoming bonfire. A girl is in the hospital because of him.”
“Yeah, and the two of you want to get the Steel reward.” Jordan’s tone is dry.
“Well…duh!” I drop my mouth open. “Don’t you want your cut?”
“Sure. But I’m not sure how I can help you.”
“You’re helping right now by telling us what you know about the guy.”
“And what are you going to do with that information?”
“We’re going to get him to confess,” I say.
Jordan’s jaw drops. “No way. He never will.”
“We have some tricks in our arsenal.” I gesture to Rory.
“Please tell me you’re not going to—”
“I don’t like the idea any more than you do,” Rory says, “but we have to try. Not just for the ten grand, but for Diana’s sake.”
“Diana is going to be fine,” Jordan says. “Haven’t you heard? She’s already been released from the hospital.”
“I haven’t seen her back in school,” I say.
“She’s probably taking a few days off. Or maybe the Steels will be putting her in private school.” Jordan shrugs. “I’m not sure why all of them aren’t in private school, to be honest. They’re richer than God.”
I bite my bottom lip, my mind whirling. How can we pull this off? It’s going to take more than just Rory and her sexual prowess.
The two of them need to be contained.
We need something like—
“Can you get Cage’s van?” I ask Jordan.
Jordan narrows her eyes. “Why do we need his van?”
“We need a closed-in space. Where we can monitor what goes on.”
“You want me to lock myself in the back of a van with Pat Lamone?” Rory raises an eyebrow.