Page 108 of Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)
I text him back quickly.
No worries. I’m fine. Just getting started.
But then something pricks the back of my neck.
Why do I feel like I need to be looking over my shoulder? And why would Donny think it’s not good that I’m alone here?
What secrets does this building hold?
I already know one. It’s owned by Henry Simpson. Well, not technically Henry Simpson, but a trust for his benefit. Mental note: check into Henry and the building later. First… The address Rory found in Doc Sheraton’s office.
Easy enough. Google Maps will show me a picture of it.
I fire up my computer, make sure the VPN is up and running, as well as my firewall and all other security systems, and then I type in the address.
Huh. That’s strange. It’s vacant land.
Google is pretty good at keeping their records up to date, so why would Doc Sheraton be keeping an address of vacant land in his office?
Whatever it is, it’s obviously not the place where Pat Lamone and Brittany were staying, unless they were camping out. I so cannot see Brittany Sheraton living the rugged life.
I shrug. No harm done. Although Rory wasted her dazzling smile for nothing.
Or maybe not. I have access to all Colorado state databases. This piece of property is in Wyoming.
Will Doc Sheraton be at the party tonight? Was he at the last Steel party?
Honestly, I don’t remember. I had eyes only for Donny that night, even though I spent a lot of time being pissed at him for leaving me in the closet.
There were a lot of people there—almost everyone from town—so it’s probable that Doc Sheraton was there.
Doesn’t really matter.
Okay, then. Since I’m already here, time to research the trust for the benefit of Henry Simpson.
I start tapping keys on the computer.
And I get…
Apparently trusts are not public information.
Just to be sure, I check out the legal research websites. Trusts are not recorded anywhere, so they are not available to the public. As a would-be law student, I probably should have known that. Donny could have told me. So much for finding out more about Henry and this building.
No big deal. Back to Doc Sheraton. I flash back to the initial research I did for Donny regarding liens. Doc Sheraton’s veterinary office is located on business property that has a lien by the Steel Trust, like almost all business properties in the city with the exception of Ava’s bakery.
Doc Sheraton may have answers for me. If only Rory were here. She could get him to talk.
I’m not going to ask him about any liens on his business property, though. I can’t. Donny hasn’t asked me to talk to any of the townspeople about my research, and I won’t go behind his back. However…I can pump Doc Sheraton about information on Brittany and Pat. After all, this morning Brittany claimed she didn’t know Pat.
Doc Sheraton closes the office at noon, so he’s probably home. I do a quick search to double-check his address, and then I gather my purse and my sweater, wrap it around my shoulders, and head out, making sure to lock up carefully.
Saturday afternoon in Snow Creek is pretty dead. Some of the small businesses close both days of the weekend, and others are only open until noon. Ava’s bakery is open, but there’s a sign in the window saying she’s closing early for a family event.
Of course. The notorious Steel party tonight.
Rita’s is open, and though I could use a cup of coffee, since I haven’t been sleeping well, I bypass the café and head straight to the residential area and to Doc Sheraton’s house. My heart beats faster than normal. Why? There’s nothing strange about what I’m doing. No reason to be scared of Doc Sheraton. Rory and I just saw him this morning. But for some reason, I’m freaked.