Page 39 of Wicked Matrimony (Legends and Lovers)
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For a few weeks I’ve worked with Allison to develop her power, and I have to say, she’s a quick learner.
She still asks a million questions daily. Many, I don’t have answers for yet.
I don’t know if there’s other people like her out there, or if she’s the only one. I don’t know why she has the powers she does. And I certainly don’t know what it all means.
But I do my best to show her the things I’ve learned from the book. I try my best to help her harness her power.
I’ve been on this earth so long, and nevertheless, I don’t have answers why things work the way they do.
Living for centuries is exhausting. It’s something I would never wish for another human being. It’s also the reason I won’t turn people. Harker asks every time I see her to change her. But I never will.
Because we are the damned, and there’s nothing good that comes from being a vampire.
I’ve seen a lot of dreadful things in my many years.
“What time will Rao be here?” Allison asks me over breakfast.
Allison takes a sip of orange juice. “Will I train today? I’m getting better about not passing out as soon as we’re done.”
I smile at her. “No training today.”
“Why not?”
Her questions work at my temple, making me edgy. “Because there’s something I need to do today.”
Rao will expect to feed tonight, so I’ll have to find the perfect prey. He doesn't feed from a servant like I’ve chosen to do. Instead, he likes to hunt his victims, taking them out into the forest to drink their blood by the light of the moon.
He doesn’t kill them, knowing our kind can’t take on the heat of the police, but occasionally he gets a little rough with his food, and although rare, a death or two happens.
So, I need to pick someone that won’t be missed.
“I have to go out for a while. You can work on your schoolwork while I’m gone.” I stare at the new living room set Allison picked out with Sylvia. The two of them are turning my home into something I don’t recognize, but a small part of me likes the brightness. Enjoys having Allison around.
She’s growing on me, and so is the desire to touch her, but I know better.
I leave her standing in the living room and head out the front door.
I despise hunting.
But it’s something I must do to honor the formalities that go along with the crown. I wouldn’t want to start a war between our clans over feedings. Even though I produce some of the finest blood in the kingdom, Rao still likes things how he likes them.
So, I leave my castle, moving toward town and once the moon shines bright, I’ll hunt.
A woman slaps her boyfriend in the back alley near the Penny Mart downtown. I watch in the shadows, stalking, analyzing. Would Rao like the scent of peppermint and lavender coming from the woman? Would he like the fact she has track marks up and down her arm?
Rao loves a bit of drugs mixed into his blood. Says it gives him a high like no other.
I’ve never tried it, and don’t plan on starting today.
I watch the customers of the Penny Mart come and go, but the woman with her boyfriend intrigues me.
Would anyone even miss them?
I follow along as they travel down the darkened street. It’s well past ten at night, but the two of them act like it’s morning, fighting loudly with one another. I stay in the shadows, trailing just behind the sparring couple, wondering if this will be my next meal. Wondering if I’ll even be able to drink from their blood. The drugs coursing through their system disgusts me, but I know Rao will appreciate this slight gesture.