Page 22 of Pregnant and Willing (Forbidden Fantasies 45)
I push her wet curls back from her forehead before leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek.
“You did great, honey,” I say in a low voice. “They’re bringing him back now.” Sure enough, they’ve wrapped our son in a swaddle, and a nurse presents him to Christine to cuddle. Then, everyone leaves and the door’s shut, giving us time to bond.
Christine scoots over and pats the bed beside her and very carefully, I perch on the edge on the mattress, both of us staring down at the child. He keeps making cute little faces, scrunching his little nose while moving his eyebrows. I touch his tiny hand, and he wraps his fingers around one of mine as my heart melts into a puddle of baby love.
Christine lays her head on my shoulder.
“What should we name him?” she whispers.
I look at my woman and blink a few times, trying to hold back my tears. She smiles at me once more and I lose the battle, feeling the waterworks start.
“How do you feel about naming him Patrick?” I manage to choke out in a low voice. “My father’s name was Paddy, and I’d love to honor him by naming our boy after him.”
Tears shimmer in my girlfriend’s eyes, and her smile is so bright that it lights up the whole room.
“Yes. I think Patrick is the perfect name for our little boy.”
I lean down, looking into the child’s face.
“Hey Patrick,” I whisper while playing with his dark hair. “You are one lucky boy. Your mommy is the best, did I mention that?” Then I glance at Christine and wink. “I’m pretty lucky myself because I get to be with her.”
She giggles and we lean forwards to kiss but then there’s a commotion in the hallway and the door flies open, banging hard as it ricochets against the wall.
“No. You have to let me in there! It’s my fucking kid, you morons!”
Christine and I jerk our heads towards the intruder and when I turn to my girlfriend, all color has drained from her face.
“It can’t be. He didn’t even want a baby. How could he know we’re here?”
A disheveled man stands there, wildly gesticulating. The guy is panting and sweating like he’s on something, but despite his puffy features, I can see he’s relatively good looking with brown hair and green eyes. Fuck. This must be Matt, Christine’s ex and the biological father of the baby. But what the hell is he doing here? Even more, what does he want? My hackles rise as I stand up, towering over the smaller man. I’ll defend my girlfriend and son until the day I die, so this Matt person better get ready for a fight.
A nurse pushes past Matt and tries to direct him out of the hospital room.
“Sir, you can’t just break into a patient’s room! Who are you, anyways?”
“The hell I can’t!” Matt bellows, side stepping her. “That’s my damn baby. Why don’t you ask who this asshole is?” he snarls, pointing at Damon with an accusing finger. “He’s the one who doesn’t belong.”
I can’t breathe. My chest is tight, and my heart is pounding so hard that pain rips through my chest. This can’t be happening. Matt can’t be here. Hell, we haven’t spoken in months and he’s shown no interest in his son. So why is he here now? How did he even find me?
I squeeze my eyes shut, willing this to be some kind of sick nightmare that will disappear in the bright light of day. But when I open my eyes, Matt’s still standing there, glaring daggers at us.
Damon steps forward, his body language threatening and I swallow hard. Oh god.
“You need to leave right now,” my boyfriend snarls. “Get the fuck out. She doesn’t want you here.” Then he turns his glare on the nurse. “And you need to get me the Chief because someone is going to explain to me how this man found us! What the fuck! This hospital has one hell of a HIPAA violation on their hands.”
Matt laughs and it’s a high-pitched, maniacal sound.
“I didn’t need to rely on the hospital to find Christine,” he spits before waving his phone in the air. “If you didn’t want me to know where you were, then you should have disabled the Find My Friend feature on your phone, you dumb bitch.”
I gasp.
“You were stalking me through my phone? Why? Who would do that?”
Meanwhile, Damon lunges at Matt.