Page 23 of Inked With Love (Forbidden Fantasies 44)
I got up to peer out the window, and sure enough, Zoe was hurtling like a lightning bolt towards my door. I opened the door only to have her drop sobbing into my arms. My heart breaks. I don’t know if I am going to have to mend a new wound, or if I am going to have to go out into the world and break who or what has set her into this state of distress.
But I do know that I’ve never given this much of a fuck about any girl I’ve ever dated. How dare they hurt her? What the hell?
My normal reaction to hearing a girl cry is to pretend I don’t know. But now, I need to fix this for Zoe. The instinct to protect her from the world is so intense that it would seem that it is the sole purpose of my life here on this Earth, and it’s her eyes that really get me. I’ve never seen such devastation and fright in her gaze before, nor anyone else’s for that matter. Through the thick haze of tears, I feel as if I can see deep into her soul, all the way to the place where emotions are violently rattling the very essence of her being.
I’m rendered frozen; I don’t know what to say or what to do, other than to stroke her curls and murmur soothing words. All I know is that I hate seeing her like this and I want to make it better.
To my relief, Zoe seems to know what she needs: me.
I bring her to the couch, where she clings to me even harder, still sobbing. Finally, I manage to get through her wails.
“Zoe, what’s wrong, sweetheart? Tell me.”
She breaks into a stream of words so fast that I can barely understand.
“They found it Dane, they found it and they read it and they’re going to use it to break us up and it’s going to ruin your life, don’t you know? I’m so sorry!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, honey. Slow down. I know you’re very upset, but you have to calmly talk me through this, okay? Who found what?”
She lets out a long, shuddering breath.
“My parents. They found my diary. And they saw the pictures I drew of you. You know, the X-rated ones. They even read my journal entries. They know we’re dating, and that we’ve been having sex. They think that you’re some kind of manipulative older man who’s brainwashed me into illicit sex. They think you’re taking advantage of me and using my body, and that I don’t know better!”
Her whole body is shaking by the time she forces the explanation out. I pull her closer to me, relieved that this is what she is worked up about. I thought for sure somebody had hurt her or that someone she loves had passed on. Thank god the only one in trouble here is me.
“Well Zoe, it’s not great, I agree with that. This isn’t the ideal way for your parents to find out about us, and it definitely makes for an uncomfortable situation because who really wants to know that their daughter is having sex? But you are legal, sweetheart. And in no way did I corrupt you or take advantage of you.”
Her eyes tear again.
“I know that. You know that. But Conrad and June? They just want to believe the worst of you.”
I nod.
“I get it, but it’s not the end of the world, babe. Again, it’s not the ideal situation, but we can fix it. It might feel terrible right now, but it’s really not that bad. I promise you.”
Her eyes grow wide with disbelief at my words.
“No Dane, you don’t understand!” My girlfriend’s looking at me with what I can only identify as unabated horror. “My dad called the cops! I heard him on the phone. He reported you for god knows what, and you’re going to go to jail, and the rest of your life is going to be ruined. And it’s all my fault!” she wails. I take her hand as she continues.
“Oh Dane, I am so sorry. I tried to stop them, I swear I did. I told them that none of this is your fault and that you’re not taking advantage of me because I love you, and that I’ve loved you for so long, and felt cared for and respected through every step of our relationship. But they wouldn’t listen to me, and oh god, this is all my fault,” she cries, tears pouring down her cheeks.
I feel bad smiling because I know how worked up Zoe can get sometimes, but I just can’t help it. Her purity and innocence have never shone brighter than in this moment. Add to that the fact that she just slipped up and said she loves me, and I’m a man in seventh heaven right now.