Page 19 of Inked With Love (Forbidden Fantasies 44)
Man, was I nervous when her dad came to the door. Zoe was out unfortunately, and I merely said hello and handed him a sealed bag with the journal inside. Then I took off. I’d slipped a folded piece of paper with my phone number into the page with my portrait drawn on it just in case I missed her. But I still wasn’t mentally prepared to face her father. What if he decided to break into the bag? Then, we’d be in hot water.
But that didn’t happen, and sure enough, Zoe called me late that night, and immediately, my fears fell away. We made plans to secretly meet at the bluffs the next day, and it was another round of hot loving. My girl is giving, so sweet, and utterly filthy too. I’m with the right one, and it’s astonishing that she’s been under my nose this whole time.
Since then, we’ve spent every free moment together that we can. Zoe comes over during the afternoons when her parents are busy with work, and then leaves when the sun starts going down. Good thing Conrad and June have jobs that keep them on their toes, otherwise we wouldn’t have much time together.
But tonight, Zoe’s staying over for the first time. She told her parents that she’s having a sleepover at the Restons’, and joked with me that this technically isn’t a lie. After all, I’m a Reston too. I laughed because our clandestine relationship has been fun. It has also been crazy hot and I think part of it is because the sex is better when you know you’re hiding out from the world. But who am I kidding? The sex would be insane regardless.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately though because I really like Zoe. I want to keep spending time with her, but eventually we’re going to have to come forward. We can’t hide forever because it’s ridiculous. She’s eighteen, so it’s not like what we’re doing is a crime. Besides, people are going to start to notice. It’s inevitable. Someone will see us in public and piece together the truth of the matter because we don’t exactly look like two friends hanging out. It’s better if we get ahead of the gossip curve, rather than let it smack us in the rear end.
I’ve brought up this issue with Zoe, but she always shuts it right down. She says that her parents wouldn’t understand and fears that it will risk her friendship with Patty. I tell her that one, she’s eighteen. Two, her parents will come around. And three, she shouldn’t care what Patty thinks. Patty needs to be a big girl and grow up. My sister knows I’m not celibate, and who I fuck isn’t Patty’s business.
But tonight, it’s nice to have Zoe over and to cuddle like a real couple. I look over at the curvy girl. She’s sitting sideways on the couch, her back against the arm rest and legs outstretched towards me. She’s holding a large slice of pizza in her hand, dangling it just inches from her mouth, which is already slightly open anticipating the next bite.
Zoe’s mouth will have to wait though because her eyes are transfixed on the TV screen. I have never seen someone so easily mesmerized by stupid old-time comedies, but you know what? I’ll watch whatever she wants to watch, and like a man crazy in love, I even laugh when she laughs. That’s the power this girl has over me.
When a particularly funny joke is delivered, Zoe momentarily breaks her trance and takes a bite. A drop of pizza sauce falls from the bent-up corner of the pie-shaped slice in her hand and splats right onto her thigh. I can’t take my eyes off of her as she uses a finger to scoop the sauce from her bare leg and then proceeds to suck the finger clean. She has no idea I’m staring at her instead of the movie.
It seems like an odd moment to be life changing, watching a girl sloppily eat pizza on your couch. But I know right here and now that I can never let Zoe get away. In my gut, I know that she’s the one, and the realization shakes me to my core.
“Hey Zoe…” I start. My voice is raspy and I’m even shaking a bit with this revelation.
She slowly turns toward me, pulling her eyes from the shenanigans on the screen with some difficulty.
“Yeah, what’s up?” she grins happily, taking another big bite.
I inhale, trying not to look like I’m losing it.
“You know I really like you right?” I manage. She shoots me a big cheesy smile.
“Yes, of course,” she says with a sweet smile before turning back to the movie. “And I really like you too.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” I call back at her through a fit of laughter. “That’s all you have to say?”