Page 13 of My Secret Valentine Baby
Sleep as long as you need. I have breakfast keeping warm on a cart in the dining room or come to the office and I’ll order food for both of us.
Forever Yours,
PS. Tick Tock. I’ll be needing your list sooner rather than later.
I stare at the note. The man is so utterly sweet it’s almost unbelievable. He means well and clearly wants to take care of me. Even if it’s only because I’m pregnant with his baby. That still makes him a good man. He’s going above and beyond to make an effort, and I need to do the same.
Plus, I’m still hanging on to him saying that he was looking for me. And how upset he’d been over me slipping away from him. What if we could have something? Would it be terrible to try to see where this goes? I could end up kicking myself in the ass because I didn’t give us a chance at maybe being happy together. We could test the waters.
I flip his note over and start to fill out names. It doesn’t take me long to make a list. When I’m done I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower to get ready for the day. I spot all my things sitting out on the sink. Archer must have done this when I was sleeping.
My eyes flick back and forth between his sink and the one my things are set out on. I find myself starting to get turned on seeing our things next to each other.
“What are you doing to my hormones?” I give a pointed look to my baby bump in the mirror. “Get it together.” This time I look at myself in the mirror when I speak. “Be calm and level-headed.” Even as I say the words, I have a feeling they will go right out the window when Archer is near me.
I head into the closet to check that out next. If Archer put all my things out in the bathroom, I’m going to guess he did the same with my clothes. I’m not wrong. The crazy thing is it’s not just my own clothes. There are new ones too. It’s not a ton of things, but someone did some quick shopping. It must have been him. How did he even pull this off?
He’s rich, I remind myself. The man thinks he can plan a wedding in a day, so getting some clothes would be nothing. I run my fingers across one dress. The material is the softest thing I’ve ever felt before. I grab it to wear with a pair of flats that are my size. I’m pretty impressed that the man doesn’t miss a thing. He definitely pays attention to details.
When I check myself over in the mirror, I have to admit I look good. It’s not only the clothes that are making a difference, but the circles under my eyes are gone. How long did I sleep for?
I grab my list from off the nightstand and go in search of my purse and phone. I gasp when I see the time. It’s a little after eleven in the morning. Holy crap.
I skip breakfast and head straight for the office. It’s nice that it’s only a short walk and elevator ride to get there.
“Morning.” Archer stands from his desk the second I open the door to his office. Our office. “I was about to come check on you.” He clears the space between us. Before I can get a word out, he’s kissing me.
When his tongue slides across the seam of my lips, I part them for him. These are the things that give me hope that maybe we could be something. The man doesn’t have to kiss me. He must want to. Or maybe I’m reaching here.
“I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Don’t be. If you’re tired, you should sleep, love.”
“I should be working.”
“On the list maybe, but we have the rest of the day.” I hold up the paper. “You made it.” A smile lights up his face. Damn, do I like that I gave him that look. I know in that moment that I’ve made the right decision.
“It’s short,” I admit, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Do you not want to tell people?” The smile drops from his face.
“It’s not that.” I quickly add because I don’t want him to think I’m ashamed, “I guess I just don’t have a lot of people to tell. I’m still new to Vegas. I should probably call my parents and tell them. They shouldn’t hear the news from a baby announcement. Which I still don’t think people do.”
“Okay.” His smile returns. He snags my hand, leading me over to a chair to sit down. “I can still use the list for the wedding invitations too, so it’s still needed.”
“Archer,” I warn. He ignores it, plucking me back out of my chair like I weigh nothing. He takes the seat for himself with me in his lap.