Page 9 of Secrets and Lies (Forbidden Fantasies 43)
I snort.
“Nicole, how long have I worked for Club Z again?”
She chuckles.
“That’s my girl. Good, I’ll tell him you’ll be there then. Enjoy yourself, and let me know if you need anything. I’m only a phone call away.”
With that, we hang up and I clench my phone against my chest, my breathing erratic. Julian wants to see me again! Of course, I was hoping that this would happen, but now that it’s come true I’m a little nervous. I try to regulate my feelings. After all, men do request specific girls on occasion, and I know it usually has nothing to do without personalities. Instead, it has everything to do with a good time in bed, and we certainly shared that last night.
Still, I can’t help but feel excited that Julian requested me. What will I wear? I start mentally preparing an outfit while wandering back inside. Unfortunately, when I come through the swinging doors, Claire’s still being Claire, so she wags her eyebrows at me.
“I can tell by the look on your face that you were just talking to your mystery man!” she sings.
I smirk. “Nope. It was actually my boss at my other job.”
Oh shit, why did I say that? No one even knows that I have a second job, much less what it is. But my co-workers gets a crafty look in her eye.
“Ah ha! Is that why you’ve been taking fewer shifts? OMG, you’re not leaving Sixth Street, are you? OMG OMG OMG. You cannot leave me with Chester the Molester and Janine the Scream Queen. I absolutely cannot do my shifts with them. Please, Lindy, please please please, say you’re not leaving.”
I giggle because this is getting too ridiculous.
“No, I’m not,” I assure her. “It’s just Sixth Street doesn’t pay enough, so I had to find another gig in addition to this one.”
Clair nods, frowning now.
“Yeah, that’s true. And you know that I have a second job too, right? I’m also a waitress over at the Odeon. To be honest, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one working two jobs. I’ve even been thinking about taking up a third because things have been tight lately. Somehow, I’m just not getting enough tips,” she frowns.
OMG, I had no idea things were so tough financially for her. Should I tell her about Club Z? But honestly, I think Claire’s personality is too over the top for the discretion the club requires, so I decide against it.
“Yeah, it’s tough,” I commiserate. “But don’t kill yourself, okay? There are better positions out there, and we’ll find them.”
Claire nods, tracing her finger in a circle on the counter.
“I hope so,” she sighs. “Or maybe I’ll just marry a rich old geezer and finally quit Sixth Street.”
“Now that’s the dream,” I say, laughing. “Except maybe he doesn’t have to be old or a geezer. Just rich and handsome are good.”
My co-worker shoots me a somewhat sad look, and for the first time, I realize that there’s more to Claire than the nosy, pushy exterior. There’s a real person underneath all that chatter, and my heart goes out to her. But I can’t tell her about Club Z. I just don’t know her well enough, so I bite my tongue once again.
“Hey, hang in there, okay?” I say in a gentle tone, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Life will get easier.”
She smiles. “I know. Thanks, Lindy.” Then she tightens the red apron around her waist and shoots me a look. “The grind never stops, does it?”
I giggle.
“That would be a good name for a coffee shop.”
“It probably already is one, somewhere out there.”
We laugh a little and then get back to work as customers begin to trickle in. I’m grateful for the distraction because I need to calm myself down before my date tonight. Julian wants a woman who’s entertaining, focused, and yet flirty all at once, so I need to not over-think things.
Yet, as I steam an umpteenth pitcher of milk, I can’t help but smile to myself. He requested me again, which can only mean one thing … Julian Statham likes me, and maybe, just maybe, things will be different with this client.
* * *
When I woke up this morning, Lindy was long gone, but that’s to be expected. Some of the girls have real jobs as secretaries, paralegals, and the like. I’ve even heard rumors that some of the ladies are professionals, including doctors and lawyers, so they don’t always stick around for morning cuddles.
Still, it was a Saturday, so where did Lindy go? Of course, doctors and lawyers work weekends too, but I can’t help but feel like my bed’s cold without her. Damn, women these days are so busy and frankly, unknowable sometimes. Even for a guy like me, females can be confounding.
But I don’t worry about it too much. I’ve requested to see her again tonight, and now, I stroll into the second floor lounge in Club Z’s monolithic building. I love this place because management really invested in creating an atmosphere hospitable to members. Not only is the place lavish, but it also boasts a number of bars and lounges, as well as the requisite below-ground swimming pool, bowling alley, and in-house movie theater.