Page 7 of Secrets and Lies (Forbidden Fantasies 43)
“You did well, baby,” I whisper into her ear, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “You were incredible.”
But this isn’t just any regular girl. Lindy’s a hostess as Club Z and she giggles as we lock lips as she rises up from my cock. A huge gush of spunk runs out and she reaches down to tease some of it out from her hole. Sure enough, a pearl appears at her entrance before forming a long, gooey string that drips and lands on my balls.
“Thank you,” she titters while kissing me again. “You did well yourself, Julian. But is there more in there?” she asks, eyeing my deflated balls. “After all, we have all night to play.”
With that, it’s on. Club Z has never delivered like this before … and I plan on sampling the sweet girl again and again until it hurts.
* * *
I hum distractedly as I fix coffee for a tired twenty-something heading to her office job down the street. Bella is one of my regulars, and I usually have her double-shot espresso ready before she arrives, but I’m distracted this morning. Last night has me exhausted and aching all over, and my mind wanders in a daze. Not even the confused expression on Bella’s face can ruin my good mood.
“Have a great day!” I chirp as I hand over the coffee. She shakes her head before giving me a look.
“You okay, Lindy?” she asks. “You don’t seem like yourself.”
I smile internally because Bella has no idea. But this is no time for revealing my secret life. Instead, I merely smile and nod.
“I’m great!” I say cheerily. “Enjoy your cappuccino.”
She pauses again, but merely smiles and turns before disappearing through the glass doors. I like Bella, to be honest. She’s one of the nicer customers who always tips generously, and I appreciate that. But today, I’ve got other things on my mind, so I merely shrug and take the next order, working my way through the growing line of impatient customers.
To be honest, I’m not sure why I accept morning shifts after a night at Club Z because really, I should be at home recovering. But what’s done is done, and I need to focus on my regular job.
Still, last night was fantastic. I mean, I always have fun with the guys at Club Z, but Julian was different. We had a connection, I’m sure of it. He was demanding, controlling, and filthy, but also incredibly generous when it came to taking care of me, and I love that. Hadley would tell me I’m going overboard but I don’t care. There’s something about Julian, and I know he’ll be back for more.
Meanwhile, my coworker, Claire, and I work through the line as quickly as possible. It may be early on a Saturday, but the morning shift is still crazy. People in the city don’t seem to take days off, and even dressed in sweats and baseball caps, a couple already seem like they’re taking work calls.
As for me? I’m glad I can mindlessly make coffee and hand out pastries at this point. My brain is far, far away at the moment. In fact, I’m still in the main room at Club Z, remembering how it felt to have Julian deep inside me. A giggle escapes my lips as I pull a shot. Did he like it? Did he enjoy making me come in front of all those people, and then coming hard himself as well? Exhibitionism is pretty common among club members, but I didn’t expect it for our first time together.
Another titter escapes my lips and Clare shoots me a weird look. Quickly, I add frothed milk to the latte, and hand it to a waiting customer.
“Have a nice day!” I say cheerily.
He shoots me an odd look too but merely grabs his cup and turns. I must be coming off as crazy, which is why people keep looking at me weird. God, this is not the time or place for these x-rated thoughts, but how do I get my brain to turn off? Julian’s front and center in my mind, and I can’t exactly block out the ache in my pussy this morning.
Finally, the line starts to dwindle and Claire and I get a small break. It’s not a formal break, but at least we can do something other than scurry around like harried rabbits. My co-workers leans against the counter, chewing her lip.
“Girlfriend, why are you so happy today? You’re never like this.”
I pretend to be puzzled.
“What do you mean? I’m happy all the time.”
She shakes her head, a few brown curls escaping her neat ponytail.
“No, Lindy. You’ve never hummed before and especially not Phantom of the Opera. I thought you didn’t even like Broadway!”
I open my mouth in mock horror.
“Says who? I like Broadway! Just not the super-cheesy shows, that’s all.”