Page 19 of Drago's Woman
“Why? What do you want?”
“When this is all over, I want a safe place for me, Carlos, Belle, and Belle’s daughter to live. A world without her father and all the crooked strings he’s pulling.”
“What’s happening with the kid?”
Drago told him what happened, and the other man had to sit down. He looked a little shaken.
“They want them young because they think they can train them into the perfect fighters, like machines, blank slates, but it’s the worst way to be raised,” said David. “It has to be stopped.”
“You’re right. It does. Can I count you in?”
“I can’t take on a politician, not from here. But I’ll try and pull up some info to help you.” There wasn’t a single hesitation as they shook hands. “I’ll continue to work from this office, but don’t call the public line.” David pulled out a piece of paper from a notebook in his pocket. “Call this number whenever you want to get through to me. It’s a secure line. I don’t want any heat for my own family.”
“I’m going to need the files you have on Donald Ford. Everything you’ve ever documented. We need it.”
David nodded. “I’ll arrange to meet you tonight. I don’t keep it here. It’s not safe.”
“Don’t mention this to anyone else,” Carlos said.
“How do you think I got this?” David held up the cane. “I’m not stupid. Asking too many questions and I got what was coming to me, or at least that’s what they said.”
Drago pulled out an envelope with over a thousand dollars in cash and placed it on the desk.
“I don’t need your money.”
“If you ever at any point feel you’re being watched, use it, and get out of town quick. I won’t have anyone else’s life in danger for this. It’s not guilt money, David. This is for you, please take it.”
David took the money. “Okay. This is going to get ugly?”
“We don’t know how bad it is,” Carlos said.
“I’ll do as much as I can. I promise you that.”
“Good. We’ll see you later.” He shook David’s hand. Making his way out of the precinct he didn’t give anything away as Carlos followed behind him.
“People were watching,” Carlos said joining him in the car.
“Of course they were. David has a reputation, and now they’re curious. I need help, but I don’t want him killed because of this.”
“I take it we’re limiting our time with him already,” Carlos said.
“We can’t risk anyone knowing what we’re up to. There’s no way I’d ever risk Belle’s baby like that. She trusts me.”
“Yeah, this is about more than trust,” Carlos said. “You two, did you have a thing or something growing up?”
“Nah, we didn’t have a thing at all. We barely knew of each other. I’m over ten years older than her.”
“She was a fierce fighter from what I saw the other night. Was she always like that?” Carlos asked.
Thinking back all those years ago, seeing her in action, he’d hated every second of it. She’d been a child fighter for long before she became a woman. Part of what made him so good was his ability to read people, and he knew Belle hated every punch she dished out. But, damn, she was good at it.
“She was better than what you saw. Whenever her name came up on the roster, there was always a crowd. She was a girl, deadly, fierce. Many times, she’d take a hit and wouldn’t even show that she was in pain. It was all an act though. I thought she was a robot at one point until I sneaked backstage to see her. Even now she doesn’t know I was there. The fight had ended, and she sat on the bench. I heard her crying, and from where she was, I could see her in the mirror. She had on bandages around her waist to protect her. She was in so much pain, and I saw the blood. Even as she cleaned up, I heard her praying as well.” He’d never told anyone that he caught her that day, begging for a better life. It had always stuck with him though.
Strange, he didn’t think her weak when he’d seen it. Instead, he’d thought she was strong. It was why he was determined to finally end this shit now, to help Belle and her daughter. No one had answered their prayers, but he was going to make sure he made hers come true.
Chapter Six
Their plans were coming together, but they couldn’t be rash and act before they were one hundred percent ready. There would be no second chances. She’d been staying with Drago for almost two weeks. All day, they’d research the paperwork for concrete evidence, and Carlos would buy new information from contacts desperate for cash. They’d even managed to get a tracker on the politician’s car.