Page 13 of Drago's Woman
“It’s great,” she said. “Thank you.” As she nibbled the toast, he sat across from her. He hadn’t shaved, and his stubble was coming in thick, giving him an even rougher edge. She wondered how old he was. Wondered why he was living alone. Belle had no doubt he could get any woman he wanted. There was something dark and appealing about him, and even she’d been mesmerized when she’d seen him fight in the past. He kept his body in top form, and he didn’t take shit from anyone. But he had no one, not even children.
The politics on the news bored her. Drago commented on one of the stories, and it surprised her how comfortable she felt around him.
“I recognize him,” she said, pointing at the man in the gray suit.
“From where?”
“He used to come to our house to see my dad. They’d talk in his study.” She still remembered the night she’d seen him out behind one of her matches. It had been just before she moved out on her own. He’d been forcing himself on a teen girl, and when she called him out, he got in his car and drove off. She still believed he would have raped the girl if she hadn’t gone out back to cool off after her match. Maybe that behavior would shock a normal person, but her life had been anything but normal. Belle was used to nasty old perverts drooling at ringside. Too many girls she knew sold themselves if the price was right, but that wasn’t something she could ever agree to. She just fought, waiting for the day until she could get away from it all.
Drago narrowed his eyes, focusing more on the television. “There’s more, isn’t there?”
She shrugged, eating a few blueberries. “He’s an asshole. One of those creeps that preys on girls at matches.”
He turned to her, slapping his hand on the granite to get her undivided attention. “Did you see anything? Talk to him? Try and remember any details.”
“Does it matter? I caught him going after a new female fighter. I scared him off though.”
“Did he see you?”
“Sure. Everyone knew me around the ring back then, especially because of my dad. Now I want the world to forget I existed. I just want to move far away from all the bullshit. As soon as I get my kid, I’m gone.”
“This isn’t good.”
“I don’t why you’re so shocked. You know how it is, the same as me.”
“That shit is running for office. That changes things,” he said.
Belle wasn’t sure what he was getting at. What did it matter? Most politicians were crooked. It was nothing new to her.
“Look, I’m sorry, but I really don’t want to talk about the news. I want to talk about my daughter.”
Drago’s features softened, as if realizing she wasn’t comfortable. He took a deep breath, then focused on her, ignoring the television.
“What’s her name?”
She paused before answering. “Ava.”
“That’s beautiful. Does she look like you?”
A frog tightened in her throat. Just thinking about her little angel brought back all her worries and concerns. She’d avoided talking about her this morning, but she’d planned to ask Drago about their next step after breakfast. “She’s blonde, and yeah, everyone says she looks like me.”
“I can’t wait to meet her.”
Belle nodded. She had to think positive, had to believe this would all end up well.
“Carlos brought over some clothes for you when you were sleeping. They’re on the sofa.”
She’d been so mean to Drago’s friend, and he’d only been decent to her. “I’ll get changed. Thanks for helping me out.” Belle was becoming too dependent on a virtual stranger. What she needed to do was find Ava. She didn’t have time to sit and chat with Drago. The first place she’d visit was her family home. Her father had to have a damn heart. She’d done everything he’d wanted, and if he wanted a tenth fight, she’d give it to him.
Belle changed and made herself as presentable as possible. She examined her face under the bright lights in the bathroom. The swelling was going down, but the bruising was terrible. She took a deep breath, testing out her ribs. It would take a long time until she was back to her usual self.
When she opened the bathroom door, Drago was standing there wearing a black leather jacket. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.
“I can’t stay here forever. I have to deal with this.” She attempted to walk around him, but he blocked her way. If he was anyone else, she wouldn’t be concerned, but this was Drago. If he didn’t want her to leave, she wouldn’t be going anywhere.
“Running to Daddy? He’s the one to arrange this bullshit.”
She shoved him in the chest, but he didn’t budge. “You wouldn’t understand. He just likes to be in control. If I agree to his terms, he’ll give my daughter back.”