Page 42 of Julian's Torment (Mafia Heirs 3)
In an instant, I’m transported somewhere else. Another man pleading for his life appears before me, his familiar features reminding me just how merciful I can be… not.
I shake my head to get the thought out, hissing, “Like I said. Stay the fuck away from Francesca if you know what’s good for you.”
Everyone watches me with fear in their eyes as I leave our house on campus. I could pretend I don’t like earning their respect, but I fucking love it. Not just because of Francesca.
Because it feels damn good to be in charge.
I’m supposed to meet Adrianna by the fountain on campus. She texted me earlier today, saying she had something urgent to tell me about Leonardo. I’m not convinced she isn’t lying, but I need to find out for sure.
She’s already waiting for me by the time I make my way to the fountain. It’s late at night and most of the campus is deserted, save for a few couples making out on the benches in the park.
Adrianna turns around when she hears me approaching, her face lit up by a brilliant smile as she says, “There you are, finally.”
“What did you want to tell me?” I mutter, sitting on the fountain’s edge. I’m eager to get back to the house, away from this conniving little bitch. I didn’t want to meet her in the first place, but truth be told, I’m curious about the information she says she has for me. It could come in useful.
“It’s about Leonardo,” she says. “But let’s talk about that in a second… Want to sit on that bench over there?”
Reluctantly, I follow her to one of the stone benches that isn’t occupied by a couple making out. While he walks over there, I notice Adrianna’s wearing an incredibly revealing dress. Not that it does much for me. Lately, I only seem to notice one woman around here.
Rubbing my eyes, I groan as I realize I’m getting in deeper than I would like with Francesca.
“So did you actually have something to tell me, or is this just a clever ruse so you can spend more time with me?” I hiss at Francesca. “Because if it’s the latter, I’ve told you plenty of times I ain’t fucking interested.”
“Why not?” she purrs, batting her lashes at me seductively. “Don’t you think I look pretty?”
I don’t answer. I don’t want to offend her. She could still have some potentially useful information.
“You wanted to talk about Leonardo,” I remind her sternly. “I’m not here to discuss your looks.”
“Fine,” she hisses, visibly annoyed. She glances at me, as if trying to make sure whether she can trust me. I keep my face devoid of emotion as we stare at one another. “Well, there’s a rumor going around.”
“And just what might that rumor be?” I ask.
“It’s about Leonardo’s father.”
Of course.
Antonio Brambilla is a dangerous fucking man, and everyone on campus is well-aware of that. Seems like Adrianna has caught on, too. No wonder she wanted to discuss this with me privately. It’s a dangerous thing to say out loud.
“What about him?” I ask, careful not to convey my genuine emotions.
“He… he’s a dangerous man.”
“No shit,” I mutter.
“I think he’s responsible for his son’s murder.”
Warily, I look to Adrianna’s. “What would make you think that?”
“Come on, Julian, it’s not that hard to figure out.” She flicks her hair back and gives me a defiant look. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it, too.”
“Maybe,” I mutter, not wanting to commit to one of her theories. “But like you said, he’s dangerous. And I don’t think you should throw those accusations around. It’s not safe.”
She smirks, saying, “So you care about my safety?”
“You really know how to read between the lines,” I mutter. “And no, frankly, Adrianna, I don’t give a flying fuck.”
I pick myself up from the bench and dust off my clothes.
“I need to go. This has taken up too much of my time. See you around, Adrianna.”
“Wait!” She shoots up desperately, her pleading eyes finding mine. “What about… what about us?”
“There is no us,” I hiss. “And I’m not having this discussion right now. Bye.”
I walk away from her, feeling her sullen gaze on my back as I draw away from her. I’m sure she’ll come to terms with my rejection, eventually.
I pad down to the breakfast room where my parents are already waiting. Neither of them so much as looks at me as I enter the room, but my father clears his throat.
“Today you will meet your fiancé.”
My eyes widen. “What? You can’t be serious.”
He slams his fist against the table, making the cutlery rattle and my mother rubs her temples, as if she’s annoyed by this interaction already.
“You don’t get a say in this, Francesca. I suggest you get dressed. They’ll be here in an hour.”