Page 40 of Julian's Torment (Mafia Heirs 3)
“Poor little thing,” Adrianna purrs innocently. “Looks like you got your period.”
The girls laugh and leave the bathroom while I let out a soft cry. A look in the mirror reveals Adrianna wasn’t lying. The splotches of red on my uniform look suspicious.
I know full well if I skip class, I’m going to get in trouble, and I can’t afford that – not when I’m barely keeping my place here. But I also can’t just go to my next class pretending like nothing’s happened. I’m late enough as it is, anyway.
With a groan, I try to clean off some of the paint, but it only stains my clothes more. Tears of humiliation burn my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I’ll be damned if I let a bully like Adrianna get the best of me.
I dash out of the bathroom. Luckily for me, the hallways are empty – the next class has already begun and everyone is in their classrooms. I rush down the hallway toward the exit. I’ll go change and return when I’m in my other uniform. I only have two sets, so I’ll need to figure out how to get a replacement.
“Just where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
I swallow thickly, glancing with hope at the entrance to the school. I almost made it.
Turning around, I come face to face with a handsome man in his forties. He’s wearing the school colors and an expensively tailored suit. His hair is dark and has some gray in it. He’s the type of guy some girls would lose their minds over.
“I just… I wanted to change,” I manage.
His gaze slides down my front and turns sympathetic when he sees the splotches of red all over me. His eyes are filled with pity.
“It’s not what you think,” I get out, my voice shaking over the words. “It’s from art class.”
He nods. “You have another uniform?”
“At the dorms,” I whisper.
“Those stains won’t come out,” he mutters. “You have more than one set, right?”
I nod my head silently, and a look of recognition passes over his face.
“You’re Francesca Esposito, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes,” I manage, narrowing my eyes at him. “And who are you?”
He smirks. “It’s not doing you any favors that you don’t know who I am, Miss Esposito.”
I swallow thickly, waiting for him to go on. Instead, he orders me to follow him, and I’m too nervous not to do as I’m told.
We walk into a storage room that is labeled Lost and Found. The man digs through some drawers and finally presents me with two other sets of my uniform.
“They might not fit perfectly,” he mutters. “But it’s better than nothing, right?”
I nod mutely. I don’t know what I did to deserve him being kind to me, but I’m more than grateful for his help. I even manage a shaky smile as he hands the clothes over. I stash them in my bag.
“Go change in the bathrooms now, and just toss the other uniform,” the man instructs me.
“Thank you,” I get out, hoping I’m conveying just how grateful I am for his kindness.
“Francesca,” he goes on. “I don’t want to see you like this again. You’re here on a scholarship, yes. But you’re walking a very thin line. There have already been requests to take you out of school because you seem to be a bad influence on the other students.”
I blanch, staring at him. “Who are you?”
“I’m your principal, Francesca,” he laughs. “Signore Fernandi. Does that ring a bell? I believe you’re sharing in the dorms with my daughter, Luciana.”
Of course. Now it’s making sense. The dark hair and kind features. I manage another smile.
“Of course. Your daughter is wonderful, Signore. Thank you for helping me today.”
“I mean it though, Francesca,” he says. “Don’t give me reasons to punish you. Stay out of trouble otherwise I’ll have to make an example out of you, and that’s the last thing I want to do. I’m under an immense amount of pressure from the parents of these kids to keep them safe. Do you understand why I can’t go easy on you?”
“Yes,” I whisper, swallowing thickly. “Because of my family’s… situation.”
He nods. There’s a look of regret on his face as he adds, “I don’t want to punish you and I want you to complete your education here. But if you misbehave or cause problems, I won’t have a choice. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” I get out. “I’m sorry, Principal.”
“I trust I won’t see you roaming these hallways again when you’re supposed to be in class?”
“Of course not, sir. I won’t let you down. And I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” He smiles and after a moment’s hesitation, leans forward. “I would also be grateful if you could try to involve Luciana in some of the school activities. I worry about her, you know. She’s a bit of an introvert.”