Page 22 of Julian's Torment (Mafia Heirs 3)
Did she think the guys wouldn’t show up? “Come on, we’ve kept them waiting long enough.”
She pulls me after her and I totter behind in those stupid whore heels.
When we reach the table, I finally make out the dimly lit figures sitting behind it, and my face falls in an instant.
One of them is the kid that led me into that bedroom at the wretched party, Marco… and the other is Julian.
My heart rate speeds up. Did Julian request Adrianna to bring me here for the double date? Is it possible he’s finally forgiven me and is ready to make amends? My heart blooms with hope, only to come crashing down painfully when Adrianna leans in and whispers something in Julian’s ear, making him laugh out loud. His attention isn’t on me anymore, and Adrianna takes the seat next to me.
“You look fucking great.”
I look up at Julian’s friend. Of fucking course, I’m here for the guy I have no interest in. “Dig the handcuffs,” he smirks. “We can make use of those later for fucking sure.” Dio, save me.
I want to fucking pound Marco’s head into the table we’re sitting at.
He keeps staring at Francesca like she’s some kind of treat he wants to sink his teeth into. If he doesn’t stop, I’m going to hurt him, but for now I’m managing not to blow my cover and reveal how I really feel about Francesca.
“You seem a little distracted.”
I raise my eyes to look at Adrianna. To be honest, I’ve completely tuned out her voice and forgotten she’s even here. But with the way she’s looking at me, it seems she’s noticed I’m a little preoccupied with the other girl on this double date.
Francesca looks like a whore. The dress she’s wearing is cheap and those stripper heels make her legs look impossibly long. Her makeup’s overdone, and she’s been sprayed in a cloud of sweet perfume. On the other hand, Adrianna looks like a goddamn vision in her expensive dress, carefully straightened hair and designer jewelry. So why am I getting distracted by the other girl?
“Just had a long day,” I mutter, forcing myself to tear my gaze away from Francesca and Marco, who’s currently commenting on the handcuffs around her wrists. It seems Adrianna forced her to come here. She certainly doesn’t look like she’s enjoying any of this, which fills me with a sick sense of satisfaction.
“Yeah, I bet it’s busy, being the most popular guy at school and all,” Adrianna purrs. “You look damn good by the way… I bet every girl in here is jealous of me tonight.”
I mutter something in return and pick myself up. “I’m getting some drinks. What do you want?”
“Just a vodka soda, please,” she blinks seductively.
Of-fucking-course. Typical, hot, skinny girl drink. “What about you?” I growl at Francesca.
“I…” she flushes. “I don’t know. Pick something.”
I roll my eyes and head for the bar. I order three rum and Cokes and the vodka soda for Adrianna before burying my head in my hands. This is fucking stressful. I should’ve known Francesca being at the university was going to be a giant fucking mess. My head is already scrambled and I’ve only seen her two times so far.
“Hey, man.” Marco appears beside me, clapping a hand on my back. “Need help with those drinks?” I swipe my card and we grab two glasses each.
“Thanks for letting me tag along,” he grins. “That Francesca is a fucking smoke show. I’m getting lucky tonight for sure.”
I roll my eyes and follow him to our seats. Liquid splashes over the edge as I put the drinks down and Adrianna wrinkles her nose in distaste. I don’t pay it any mind, taking a deep gulp of my beverage. I’m going to need it to get through this clearly disastrous date.
Making my way through my drink, I do my best to focus on Adrianna and whatever the hell she’s talking about, but my mind and eyes keep wandering back to Francesca. She’s looking more and more uncomfortable by the second as Marco downs another two drinks and sits closer to her. He’s not even pretending to be interested in anyone else, leaning against Francesca and whispering in her ear while she seems to be pretending she’s anywhere but here.
“Anyway, I’m sure you’re going to love it here.” Adrianna ends her self-absorbent speech and bats her lashes at me. “Another drink?”
“Whatever you want,” I mutter.
“Get it for me?”
“Get it yourself,” I say, handing her my black card. “I need to take a piss.”
I head off to the bathroom, feeling Francesca’s gaze on me as I retreat. She’s probably nervous now that Adrianna is away, and she’s been left at Marco’s mercy. But I force myself not to look over my shoulder to make sure he isn’t doing anything inappropriate. I can’t deal with that shit. Francesca’s a grown fucking woman. She can take care of herself.