Page 2 of Julian's Torment (Mafia Heirs 3)
I smirk again, saying, "We both know I'm not the type to look for excuses, Father. I am what I am."
"And I'm telling you it's not good enough." His expression turns thunderous. "Consider this your last warning, Julian. One more transgression and I'll be forced to punish you."
"By making me go to some pansy ass school for mafia children who need to prove themselves?"
"Exactly," Father spits out. "It might be the only way you'll learn, and I'm not about to ignore your mistakes, like I've been doing for most of your life."
"What do you expect me to do?" I lean forward, my eyes burning with silent fire. "You took me out of that shithole years ago. I'm not used to this... luxury. Family. Obligations."
"Well, you'd better find a way to get used to it, and fast," Father says. "Otherwise, you leave me no choice."
"Fine." I pick myself up, shooting daggers at Father when he suddenly doubles over with a coughing fit. "Father?"
He dabs his mouth with a handkerchief, and it doesn't escape me that the ivory fabric is splattered with blood when he pulls his hand back. He quickly hides the handkerchief, but my interest is awakened, and the way he tried to hide the blood only makes me suspect there's something deeper beneath the surface.
"Are you sick?"
"No," he argues, but his voice betrays him. "It doesn't matter, Julian."
But it does.
Because despite everything I've just said in Father's office, I still owe this man my life.
Without him, I would still be the scum of the earth, hunting for scraps and hoping to survive on any mercy strangers threw at me. Without him, I'd most likely be dead – either of hunger or the violence that rocks this island's streets.
And yet something stops me from arguing further. There's a resolution in Father's eyes, and his gaze holds a warning when it connects with mine. He doesn't want to discuss this further.
"I'll respect your wishes," I finally mutter. "I'm sorry I've let you down."
"It's alright," Father mutters. "Just be on your best behavior for a while, so I don't have an excuse to punish you. Understood?"
"Si," I nod.
Father's warned me before, but he's never brought up The University.
I've heard of it before, of course. There's no mafia heir in Italy who hasn't. But The University is elusive and unique – I've never heard of anyone actually going there. It's more of a horror story parents tell their offspring to get them to behave. So, I have some trouble believing Father. I have yet to see proof this place even exists.
"You'll understand why I'm skeptical," I say next, knowing I should keep my mouth shut but unable to do so. "We're all intimidated by The University, but as far as I'm concerned, it's just an outlandish story. There's no proof it's real."
"There's proof alright," Father mutters. "And you'll get to experience it yourself if you don't start behaving for once."
"You won't send me away," I smirk with confidence that seems to piss off Father even more. "You want me around, Father. You need me around."
"And why do you think that?"
"Let's not kid ourselves." I give him a cheeky grin. "We all know I'm your favorite."
He's quiet for a long time before he finally speaks up again, "Even if that were true, Julian, it would merely make me more determined to show you your place. I can't very well have my favorite son behaving in such a boldly disobedient manner, can I?"
My lips thin out and we stare at one another as if we're trying to test each other's patience.
Neither of us looks away, not even when the knock comes and Ryder enters.
"Father, Santino needs you in the dining room."
"Coming." Father shoots me one final warning with his eyes before getting up from his seat. The subject is closed now, and I know he won't bring it up again. But there's something else – an underlying feeling that he's serious this time.
That if I fuck up again, he'll really go through on his promise and send me to The University, a place where mafia heirs are sculpted and shaped, according to the legend.
I should probably be worried, but I've always been the adventurous type.
And as far as I know, The University has always been a co-ed institution... and I'm really getting fucking sick of the girls here. They're all the same, none of them excite me. I've been bored for months. This city is running out of fresh meat.
I walk out of Father's office with a smug smirk on my face, sauntering past the guards without a care in the world.
Father may think he's punishing me with his threats, but all I see is an opportunity to get my dick sucked even more than I am already now...
The call comes on a Monday evening. When I see Adrianna's name flash across my phone screen I groan and stash it back in my pocket. I don't have time for my booty call right now, not in the middle of a family dinner. But my phone rings again, and no matter how many times I disconnect the call, Adrianna keeps trying and trying.