Page 27 of The Dark Protector (Kingpin's Property 1)
Antonio is by my side the next moment. We shield Tallulah from the line of fire together, and I wrap my blazer around her arms.
“Get her in the fucking car, now,” I hiss at Antonio who nods and rushes my trembling ward away.
I pull out a gun strapped to my ankle and face the bloodbath in front of me.
Bullet wounds have shattered the glass walls of the gallery. What the fuck was I thinking by bringing Tallulah here? I made her a walking fucking target. How could I forget about those goddamn threats that demand her life? I’ll never make the same mistake again. From now on, I’ll keep her safe.
I fire my gun, taking out another window. The shooters must be outside, and my men are dropping like goddamn flies. I need to get us all out of here. We’ll be safe in the bulletproof cars, but we need to get the fuck out of this gallery now.
I roar instructions as I race through the building, crawling and ducking to avoid the bullets that are still whizzing through the air. Bodies litter the ground, my own men taken out like they’re fucking cattle.
My blood fucking boils. For the first time, I admit to myself I know exactly who’s doing this. And I’m going to make them fucking pay. No matter our ties, I will allow nobody to slaughter my men and attempt to hurt my ward.
I get out to the car along with two guards and one I’m helping support. He has two bullet wounds, and I don’t know if he’s going to make it. But I’m not leaving him behind. He risked his life for me.
We file into our car and it speeds off before I’ve ever shut the door. I curse out loud and slam the door shut, encasing us all in the limousine's safety. We need to get the fuck out of here before it’s too late for us all.
Chapter 12
My body is shivering in the car. Xavier pulls on some pants and a shirt before cradling me in his arms. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop shaking. My body is trembling so hard it’s cramping.
“It’s okay,” Xavier whispers in my ear. “We’re almost home. I’ll keep you safe, angel.”
His words give me the security I so desperately crave. I press myself against his chest, feeling the beat of his heart, which slowly calms me down. I press my eyes shut and keep them that way while he mutters sweet nothings in my ear. My breathing slows down and I slowly start feeling better, back to myself.
“We’re home,” Xavier mutters some time later. “Can you walk?”
He doesn’t wait for my reply, just pulls me out of the car and cradles me in his arms. He walks inside the house, past horrified employees and directly into his own bedroom.
“You’re bleeding,” I whisper, touching my fingertips to a wound on his shoulder. “Did they… did they shoot you?”
“It’s just a graze, angel. I’ve been through worse.”
He places me down on his bed, and I get my first look at the master bedroom. It’s very masculine, clearly decorated with its owner in mind. I can tell being in here is something special, something that isn’t given upon just anyone. I pull Xavier in by his shirt collar.
“Don’t leave me,” I manage, knowing full well how selfish my request is. He needs medical attention. But those gunshots are still ringing through my mind. I need him. I can’t be without him or I’ll spiral into a fear-ridden dreamworld I’ll never escape out of. “Please, keep me safe.”
He gets into bed beside me. My body fits perfectly against his and I cuddle closer against his chest, loving the feeling of closeness I so rarely get to experience with Xavier.
“Things are going to change now, angel,” he mutters in the shell of my ear. “You need to be protected. Tonight was proof of that.”
“I know,” I manage weakly. I never thought much of those death threats Xavier mentioned, the whole reason for leaving my parents’ house. Part of me thought he just made them up so he could get his hands on me sooner. “What are you going to do?”
“Keep you safe,” he replies firmly. “At any cost. I’m not letting anybody hurt you.”
“Please, Xavier.” I raise myself so I can look into his troubled eyes. A shock of electricity shoots through my body, reminding me of the raw tension between us. I shake my head to get the indecent thoughts out. “You need to find out who’s sending these threats. I can’t spend the rest of my life being afraid.”
“Of course, angel.” He smooths down my hair with a firm smile. “I’ll never let him hurt you.”
“Him?” I narrow my eyes on him. “You know who it is?”
“No, of course not.” He pulls back, a stern expression back on his face. Our moment of closeness is over and it makes me want to weep at the unwelcome loss. “I’ll find out, though.”