Page 17 of After He's Done (Forbidden Fantasies 42)
But then Chrissy starts blushing again and smiles shyly as she nods.
“You want to meet my family?” she murmurs.
“Yeah. I think I’d like that,” is my low growl. “You’re mine, sweetheart, and that means I want to know all of you. Your family included.”
Her voice is breathy as she smiles again. “Okay. I think I’d like that, too.”
Now, my heart races because where is this going? Our interlude together was supposed to be just that: an interlude. Yet now, we’re sharing intimacies and talking about meeting family. But it feels right, and with a smile, we continue our workout. Against all odds, this woman completes me, and in more ways than one.
* * *
“Sweetheart, are you awake?”
Sanford’s voice coaxes me out of sleep and reluctantly, my eyes crack open into slits. I peek through my lashes expecting sunlight to blind me, but it’s actually still dark in the room. We had a great time working out yesterday, and then of course, it was followed by indoor calisthenics in his big bedroom. But now, I’m exhausted, not to mention physically achy and sore from his heavenly poundings. So why did he wake me?
I roll over and let out an unladylike yawn.
“I’m awake now, but why?”
Sanford laughs and despite my sleepy state, I can’t stop my return smile.
“I thought it would be fun to watch the sunrise together.”
I bolt upright in bed, looking around.
“Wait a minute, how early is it?”
Sanford chuckles, and drops a light kiss on my shoulder.
“It’s a little after six in the morning.”
I make a face.
“Uck. You know, I don’t think I’ve been up this early since I graduated high school.”
He grins, and for the first time, I notice a steaming mug on the bedside table. “Well, if it helps, I made you coffee. It’s a caramel latte for your cooperation.”
I smile and lean in to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“You’re pretty okay, you know that?”
He grins again, those blue eyes gleaming in the dark.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
But after a sip or two, Sanford wraps an arm around my waist before practically hauling me from the bed.
“Oh my God, I’m going to spill!” I squeal. He merely helps me put the cup down before draping a blanket over my shoulders and then, with an arm around my waist, the huge alpha male leads me to the terrace outside his bedroom. I stop and gasp when he throws open the double glass doors.
“Oh my God!” is my whisper. “You did all this?”
He grins and nods.
“Yup. You like?”
I nod because thick blankets are spread out across the floor, creating a colorful nest. Candles are placed on small tables and the railing surrounding the balcony even has a tiny string of fairy lights, making the setting romantic and festive. Best of all, in the center of the blankets lies a wooden tray with eggs, toast, fruit, and jam neatly assembled on a large platter. And best of all, there are two mugs brimming with hot coffee.
“Oh Heavens!” I exclaim, immediately collapsing on the blankets before grabbing the Joe. “Thank god for caffeine!”
Sanford chuckles as he grabs some fluffy pillows from the corner by the door before setting them up on the blankets.
“Are you always this addicted to your morning brew?” he asks with a wry smile.
I merely gulp the scalding liquid.
“Even more than you think. I drink five or six cups a day, and I just can’t get started without it.”
He rolls his eyes a bit.
“Holy shit. It’s like a magical elixir to you.”
“It is,” I say in a smug tone while smiling. “It’s my personal fix that I need every day. Along with you, of course,” I say, leaning forward to peck his cheek. He growls and hauls me into his lap, resting his chin on my shoulder, and I revel in the intimacy. Who would have thought that a Curves set-up would turn out like this? It feels positively relationship-y.
“Wow,” I murmur while enjoying the feel of his strong arms around me. “I know it’s not sunrise yet, but it’s gorgeous out here. If I were you I’d live out here. A latte in one hand and a book in the other.”
Sanford brushes my hair over my shoulder and leans in, dropping a kiss on my collarbone.
“I hear you, but wait until you see the sunrise in a few minutes. It’s why I bought this penthouse, actually. You can get a nice place just about anywhere with the money I was willing to shell out, but this view is priceless.”
A small breeze blows over the balcony making me shiver, and Sanford automatically pulls me in closer, so that we’re practically one. Sighing, I lean back against him, closing my eyes for a moment and just let his heat envelop my frame.
“Do you do this a lot?” I ask.
He grins down at me.