Page 10 of Piper (Queen's Birds of Prey 4)
Grant didn’t say anything, but he did continue to hold her. Venting to him, it felt right for some reason. Easier than even screaming at her sisters for what she’d discovered. When she felt him pick her up in his arms, it took her a few seconds to realize she’d fallen asleep standing up. As soon as he sat, she closed her eyes again and let the nightmarish day and night leave her for just a few minutes.
When she woke, she was still in his arms. He was speaking quietly to Parkerson, and she sat up to let them both know that they could speak normally. Grant kissed her on the cheek, then turned her to see Parkerson.
“I was just telling your husband here that the people have been apprehended. They’ve been taken to the prison for protection. The police station here is already receiving all sorts of death threats to be passed on to them—four women and one man. I nearly had my men make sure they were women before I could let it settle in my head. Women just aren’t prone to this sort of thing. Killing children? I never would have believed it.” Piper asked him if they’d given any reason for what they’d done. “They did. Just as you were told, they wanted their deeds plastered all over the news. It’s a hard thing to wrap your mind around. I can’t thank either of you enough for what you’ve done for us. Without you, this fire might well have been an unsolved case. Not to mention all the dead would still be unidentified.”
When Parkerson left them, she moved to the other chair. Piper didn’t know what to say to Grant. She wasn’t even sure there was anything she could say to him. Thanking him, she thought, and did that. He grinned at her when her belly growled.
“I guess you don’t put your hands in your pockets much when you’re working.” She told him she didn’t know. “While you were still looking for the cans of lard, I put some seeds in your pockets. Not a lot, but they would have refilled themselves as you ate. I would have told you, but your mind was such a jumble out there I didn’t want to intrude.”
Putting her hand into the pocket of the jacket she had on, she pulled it out with a handful of just what he’d told her. Seeds of all sorts of grains were there for her to have been munching on. Eating a handful of them, Piper moaned. Grant laughed.
“Would you like some?” He told her he’d rather have a steak with all the trimmings. “Me too. I have a card that will feed us both. I’ve never used it before, but they assure me it’s good for whatever I want. I’m sure they mean to feed you as well.”
“I’d like that.” When he stood up, she did as well. “We’re going to have to talk about some things, I think. Mostly try and find out what you’ve received from me. Also, more of the things that you gave to me. I know now that I can speak with your sisters and brothers. And this is very strange for me, but I can speak with the kids as well. Miley has been telling me your favorite things to do when you’re not working too hard.”
“She works with us on different projects. Miley, and now the other two, work with us all the time. Tracy has set herself up with a job of delivering food for the elderly, as well as us, when we forget to eat. It happens a good deal more than I’d like to admit.” She thought of something as they made their way to the rental they’d picked up. “I was house hunting. I didn’t find anything I truly liked yet. Perhaps you can find someplace for us to stay. I’ve been staying at the castle with the others who haven’t been mated as yet. There are only the two of them left, I guess.”
“I have a home with my mom, but it’s small. It’s magical, thanks mostly to us being fae, but it’s not nearly large enough for the three of us.” She said she understood, then asked if his mom would be living with them. “I hadn’t thought of that, but if you’d not mind, I’d like to have her close.”
“I’d like for her to be with us too. As you know, I don’t have any parents, and the only family I have is the birds and their families.” He asked her if she wanted a family. “Someday, yes. We’re sort of waiting on Mercy to give birth, which is very soon, to see what sort of baby we might have. I think she’s more worried about it than Joel is. He’s very laid back.”
“I’ve noticed that about him.” Grant laughed as he got behind the wheel to drive them around. “I was also told that you’re a terror driving. That you drive like the racecar driver that you once were.”
“Abe, right?” He said it was. “Yeah, I sort of had a date with him and just drove like I usually do. When I noticed he was green and might not make it to the restaurant, I did slow down. I don’t think he truly relaxed until we were going back to his house later. The kid is super scary smart too.”
“Duncan told me he was working on getting into a college for kids like him. I’m to understand he downplayed it at first.” Piper said he had. That his biological parents had tossed him away for that very reason. “Did I hear that they might be an issue?”
“You might well have heard it, but we’re waiting on them to try to take him from us. Abe wants them dead. He’s that afraid of them.” Grant pulled into a small brick building’s parking lot and asked her if she trusted him. “I do. I guess that’s what being mates does, but it’s more than that. I don’t just trust you, but I feel as if doubting you would be dangerous. Not from you, but some other means. I don’t know where that came from, to be honest, but that’s what I’m feeling towards you.”
“I have the same feelings toward you. By the way, I can shift into a bird too. I’ve not completely shifted, but while I was in the bathroom earlier, I just thought of being a phoenix, and my hands sprouted feathers. I’m glad I was in there alone. There is no telling what someone might have thought when I screamed like a little kid.” He got out and came around to her side of the car. Handing her out, he looked at her when she squeezed his hand. “I’ve fallen in love with you, Piper. I never thought it really worked like that, but I have to admit, it’s a very nice feeling.”
“I don’t know what I feel about you yet. I like you. You make me feel safe, which is nothing I’d ever think I would need from someone. I’ve laughed more than I have in a while since you came around.” She paused, and he waited for her to speak. Grant was sure she was going to tell him that she could do better. He certainly had been thinking that for the last several hours. “I think I could get used to you hanging around. I was serious when I told you I don’t do mushy shit. It’s not who I am.”
When she slipped into the restaurant ahead of him, Grant found himself tickled by what she’d just said to him. Because for as much as she said she wasn’t the mushy type, he was. His mom had told him how to woo a woman and what to do with one that you liked. He was going to mushy her as much as he possibly could. It felt like she’d tossed down the gauntlet, and he was there to pick it up.
Dinner was nice. He wasn’t surprised by the amount of food she could put away. Piper didn’t comment on his appetite, either. They not only enjoyed the salad bar that was his favorite part of this place, but he also enjoyed the company. Piper was both comical as well as intelligent.
Just as he was ready to comment on how much fun he was having, he felt an unfamiliar touch to his mind.
Hello, Grant. It’s Duncan, in the event you don’t know. He said he didn’t and was glad he could speak to him thusly. Yes, well, you might not think that once the two of you return. As I said to you, my mother had plans for the two of you. I can tell you now, then have you tell Piper, which is what I’d prefer, so I don’t get hurt. Or you can wait until you return and I’ll tell you both at the same time.
Since I’m new to this relationship, I’m going to let you tell us. Duncan told him he was a spoilsport. Perhaps so. But I’m enjoying myself too much for it to be messed up because you’re afraid of your birds.
Yes, I guess there is that. By the way, you two did a good job with the fire. The people have been brought to justice, and the owners of the place aren’t going to be blamed for what happened. All good as far as I can see. With the exception of the deaths of all those people. That hurts me more than I think I could explain to you. Grant told him it hurt him as well. I would imagine. With your connection to the earth, you would have felt it worse than even I. Thank you for your help, Grant. I know it hurt both of you to be involved, but so much more has been accomplished with the two of you working together.
I started to say it was my pleasure. And in a way, I guess it was. But it was nice to be able to use my magic to help out the humans. Duncan asked him when they’d be back. I don’t know. This is Piper’s job, not mine. I only came along to be with her. I can ask her, but I think she’s just too exhausted now to make that sort of decision.
sp; I can understand that, as well. I’ll look forward to talking to you both when you return. You will shield me, as your king, if I piss her off too much, won’t you? Duncan was laughing, so Grant didn’t see any reason to tell him he was on his own against his mate. I’ll speak to you both later. Goodnight, Grant.
He didn’t have any idea what the man would want of him. Nor did he really care. He had a mate, and he was willing to bet she’d have no trouble whatsoever in telling him off. Paying the bill with the company card, Grant was glad that Piper decided to head back tonight. He’d let the king know in the morning that they were home.
Benson waited while the phone was ringing. There was a great deal going on right now, and he’d bet his last nickel that he was going to somehow be blamed for it all. Well, not all of it, but at least the parts that would have him in— “Hello? I was wondering if it were possible to speak to Mr. Dante? Could you tell him I won’t take up much of his time? Just a moment or two, please.” The man that had answered the phone told him he could take a message and see if he’d call him back. “Good. That would be good. Just let me think a moment. I do need to speak to him. It’s...I’m not threatening you or anything, but it’s about his son, Abraham. He’s newly adopted him.”
“May I ask your name, sir?” He told him his name was Benson Lawrence. “Would you mind hanging on for one moment, sir? Mrs. Dante is here now. She would like to speak to you.”