Page 11 of Judith (Queen's Birds of Prey 3)
“She keeps Mercy in check too.” That was true. Mercy seemed to be calmer and nicer when Miley was in the room. “I have a bed for us. It was one of the ones in storage I had brought here. The mattress arrived just before you and the others joined me here. Would you like to go up?”
“No. I’d like for you to make love to me right here. Under the tree.” He moved closer to her. “You’re all right with it? Making love right here in the room where everyone is going to be in a few hours? Now that I think on it, I think—”
“Don’t think. Just feel.” He kissed her then, taking her breath away with his mouth. He looked down at her from his position on the floor and smiled. “You’re so beautiful, I think seeing you naked and in my arms is going to be just too much for me and my poor little heart.”
He asked her not to undress herself. She was all right with him stripping her things off. It was like an unveiling to her, like he was opening a much anticipated gift. She supposed in a way, that was just what he was doing, opening her up so that the two of them could be together.
Duncan pulled her up from the floor as he began his work on disrobing her. Touching her fingers to his skin was so wonderfully sexy. It was soft yet firm. Duncan worked hard every day, and it showed in the way his body had formed. When she was naked before him, he didn’t touch her but took his fill of looking at her.
“I was wrong about how wonderful you’d look to me for the first time. I don’t think there have been words invented that convey how lovely you are. How wonderfully beautiful you look.” Jude told him she loved him. “And I you, Judith. I love you with all my heart.”
They didn’t make love so much as they touched one another. Familiarized themselves with the other’s body. She found out that he was ticklish along his ribs. That his nipples were hard peaks, as were hers. His body was smooth except for the line of fur that went from his navel to his cock. His cock, she saw, was dark with blood, and as stiff as her own nipples.
“I would love to make love to you slowly, to taste every inch of you. But the way you’re looking at me has me wanting to fill you right now. To come deep inside of you so that I might claim you.” Jude wrapped her hand around his cock. “Christ, Judith. That’s not helping at all.”
“I want to take you into my mouth.” His groan made her pussy heat. “There is so much about you I want to explore. Things I want to taste of you. Touch too.”
“I’m at your disposal. Do with me as you wish, love.” He smiled devilishly. “But know I’m going to want to be able to do the same things to you when you’re finished. If I survive you, that is.”
Being able to explore him was amazing. She could touch him anywhere she wanted, which she did. His spine was sexy to her, the way it started at his head, and ended in his wonderfully firm ass. When she went to her knees, he begged her to touch his cock. Licking his knees, fondling his calves, nearly got her into deep trouble with him.
“I’m going to come all over you if you don’t touch me soon. I swear I’m going to explode right— Holy mother of god, yes.”
Taking his cock into her mouth, she tasted the salty flavor of his precum. The warmth of it was amazing, and Jude decided she needed more. Swallowing around him had Duncan grabbing her hair and holding her still. The more he fucked her mouth, the more of his essence filled her.
The way he was fucking her mouth made her own pussy wet with need. Touching herself, she nearly came apart when her fingers brushed over her sensitive nub. She wanted more, needed to come like this, and touched herself once again.
Coming like this was like nothing she’d ever done before. Jude had had sex before, but she was just coming to realize that was all it had been—sex. This was so much more. Looking up at Duncan had her moaning. He was more th
an just handsome—he was everything she’d ever thought about in a man, and more.
Duncan pulled back; his cock made a delicate popping noise when he pulled from her mouth. Him jerking her up from the floor and bending her over the couch wasn’t what she had expected. As soon as he slammed his cock deep into her pussy, she came so hard that stars danced in front of her closed eyes. Her body stiffened with it as a loud scream seemed to come from her very core.
When Duncan leaned over her, nearly taking her to the seat, he told her to come again. The need to fulfill his command was so powerful it took her breath away when she inhaled sharply. The primal sound of his voice, the way his body seemed to become thicker, larger than life, gave her all she needed to come again, this time with him.
There were more than stars this time. She could see rainbows and ribbons. Birds in flight, colored fireworks that seemed to go on forever. Just when she thought she could take no more, Duncan told her to come again. Her body, in tune with his, not only brought her to peak once again, but every part of her seemed to collapse at the finish, and she welcomed the darkness that took her with open arms.
Jude woke suddenly and realized she was no longer on the floor. The bed she was in was firm enough that she knew she’d get a good night’s sleep no matter what she’d done during the day. Reaching for Duncan, hoping he’d be there beside her, she was sad to find his side of the bed not only empty but cold as well. Then he spoke to her from across the room.
“I love you so very much, Judith.” She asked him why he was way over by the fireplace. “I was afraid of waking you, and I’ve enjoyed watching you sleep. You don’t snore. I have no idea why that seemed important to tell you.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait to find out if you do or not.” Duncan explained to her that he never slept. “Really? When I woke just now, I was thinking I could sleep in this bed and get a very refreshing night’s sleep. You don’t sleep at all?”
“I don’t. Mom didn’t either. I only found that out recently when I was going over her journals. She mentioned that you would need it, especially when the children arrive. I didn’t read too much into that, thinking we’d both need to rest when we have children.” She asked him again why he was over by the fireplace. “No reason other than I did enjoy watching you in your slumber. You’re very selfish of space, I’ve noticed as well.”
“I’ve never shared my bed with a person overnight before.” He thanked her for that. “It’s very strange, but I feel as if I’ve gotten a full night’s rest right now. Like I could get up and be productive if I wanted to.”
“We have only a couple of hours before our guests arrive. I have several questions I’d like to ask of you.” She dressed herself in warm clothing and moved to the fireplace to start a fire. “Ah, yes, that feels wonderful. I can do that as well, light a fire with only a touch. Would you like to adopt any of the children we have coming today? Several of them are older than the majority of them coming. They have, I’ve been told, given up on having a home and parents for themselves.”
“Not that it matters, but why haven’t they been adopted before now? I’m asking because it’s been my experience that people toss away children that don’t conform to something they have in their heads.” Duncan pulled her to him, and she sat on his lap as he told her he knew that as well. “I’ve never really thought about having children, but I think I’d want a brood of them. I don’t think I’d care if they were from my body or not. I think, and I know this is just as true as it was when I was just starting out as a human, children don’t need parents as much as they need guidance. Most of the older children have no one to tell them right from wrong. Or so it seems.”
“Your question as to what is wrong that they’ve not been adopted before now—I actually know the reason. When I set this up, the managers of the place the children are coming from had decided, quite on their own, that we’d not want the older children to come around. They’re nine and sixteen now, a boy and a girl. Anyway, she told me like it was going to be a problem for me as well. Apparently, their parents had been put in prison for robbing a bank. I think she somehow believes them to be tainted in some way by what their parents did.” Jude told him that it hadn’t tainted him to have a bastard of a father. “No. I told her the same thing. I don’t think she particularly cares for me except for the money I donate there.”
“Yes, well, I think we both know money speaks volumes to that sort of people and their mindset. When can they move in with us?” Duncan laughed and kissed her on the nose. “In the event you didn’t know, that wasn’t really an answer.”
“I’ll have the rooms set up for them when they arrive.” He looked at the clock on the dresser. “In about three hours. How about we figure out what we want in the way of rooms for them, such beds and the like, and let them decide what it is they want for the rest of the things we get for them?” Jude asked him if there were stores open she didn’t know about. “Not that I’m aware of. But I have the same magic as my mother, I believe. I can visualize a room, and it fills out the way I see it. I’m sure you might well have it too. Try it out in this room.”
“No. Not this room. As far as I’m concerned, this room is off-limits to changing around.” Duncan asked her why this room. “Our bedroom should be just the way we leave it. I want that much in the way of comfort. I want to know it will be the same as we left it. Sort of…I guess you could call a security blanket kind of thing.”