Page 8 of Blaze: Queen's Birds of Prey
“He’s a gambler, as Blaze said. Dad thinks that he doesn’t have a problem, but Clara and I only just found out recently that he had been thinking about selling one of us off to cover his debt. I’ve never heard what he was thinking would happen to us once he did that, but I’m going to find out.” Joel could see his anger, but he was extremely calm with his tone and words. “Clara and I worked very hard to get the house that was going to be foreclosed on back up to livable conditions. We’d been sending him money when the repairs were mentioned to us. But instead of using the money for that, he used it for his habit. A habit that he doesn’t think he has.”
“Is the house in your name?” Bryson said that it was in his and Clara’s name. Jude nodded at him as she continued. “Good for you. To keep the house from being harmed while we settle this, I’ll send someone there to hang out. They’ll be able to keep even the most determined people away.”
“I have a pack buddy that is going to be hanging around too. But Dad has gotten on the property once already and encountered them. I’m worried for the safety of the wolves if he decides to bring a gun with him next time. So I’d appreciate any help you could give us.” Bryson took Blaze’s hand into his as he spoke. “I’m aware that there are other creatures around. I have a vampire friend as well as the pack master. I wanted you to know that, while I might be a little slow on some of the things that are happening to Blaze and me, I do have an open mind to just about anything.”
“You can fly—you know that, don’t you?” Joel wanted to tell Mercy to behave, but he knew she wouldn’t. She loved the shock value of things that she said. “Also, you can dress yourself. Just think of something that you want to wear and it’ll appear on you. Being naked is that easy too. Just in case it ever comes up.”
Bryson stared at Mercy for a full minute before he laughed. When she winked at him, Joel had a feeling that Mercy had told him that to see what his reaction would be. He’d not been shocked, at least he didn’t seem to be. Joel liked the good nature of the man that would be his brother. Bryson was going to fit right in with the family.
Clara showed up about an hour later, upset. Clara told Bryson that she’d talk to him later. Joel wondered if the women already knew what had happened, and were right now taking care that it didn’t happen again. He’d bet anything that they had. The women of this family protected their own like a mamma bear and her cubs. But with more violence.
After Clara heard about how Bryson and Blaze were mates, it was like the dams had been opened and she started to cry. Clara, like the rest of the people in the room, couldn’t have been happier. Then she told them what had happened.
“Dad called me again. This time he told me that he was ordering me to give him not only the key to the house, but I was to sign the deed over to him too. He said that he has a lot of debt piled up, and that since we’re not willing to give him any more money, he’ll have to get it another way.” Bryson asked her what he’d said about the debt. “That he was just playing penny ante, not that I have any idea what that is. But he lost a great deal of money. When I asked him how that was possible if he was playing with pennies, he got pissed off. Abusive really. He threatened me about how he was going to give these people my work schedule and that they’d get me. Then he talked about Bryson and how he was a no good son. I was sobbing so hard that I simply hung up on him. He’s called me three more times since then. But I’ve not answered any of the calls.”
“The next time he calls I’d like for you to let me take care of him.” Blaze put her hand out when the phone rang and Clara said it was her dad. “You don’t have to worry about him getting hurt. Right now, that is. But he will know that I’m not one to fuck with before this is finished.”
As soon as the phone was answered by Blaze, she put it on speaker. The words coming through on the thing had Joel sending Miley away. They were abusive and cruel. Mr. Williams was telling his own daughter that he was going to use her to pay off some of his debt, and that he hoped they raped her over and over until she was dead.
After Miley left the room, not only did Blaze hang up on the man once, but three times in a row. But she was having so much fun doing it. On the fifth call, Mr. Williams didn’t say a word, only to ask to speak to Bryson.
“I don’t think so. This is his wife, Blaze.” He said that wasn’t even possible. “And why is that? Do you think that he needs your permission to marry? He doesn’t, in the event you were going to answer that. I have a few things to say to you, Mr. Williams. And you’ll—”
“Is my son such a pussy that he has women taking over calls that were meant for him?” Blaze pointed out that he’d called Clara
’s phone, not his son’s. “He’s blocked me or something. I can’t seem to get through to him.”
“Well, that’s the smartest thing I think he could have done. Talking to a man with a death wish is a lesson in folly, don’t you think?” He asked if she was threatening him. “Oh no. I’d never threaten anyone. This I’m making to you as a promise. Now, I want you to listen up, because I’m only going to say this the one time. You come near my husband or sister-in-law again, and I will kill you. I don’t mean that as an idle threat, either. You touch them in any way, even to give them a hug, which I’d never expect you to do, and I will have you broken in half faster than you can put dollar on the next horse race. That is your preferred method of losing money, isn’t it? And you’re not just in debt, you moronic fuck, but you’re two hundred thousand in debt as of two hours ago.”
“Who told you that bullshit? Is my daughter having me investigated? You tell her for me that I will take care of her when I find her.” Blaze asked him if he’d heard a word she’d said to him. “Of course. Blah, blah, blah. You sure have a mouth on you for threatening my son’s father, don’t you think? What is he going to say when you tell him?”
Blaze handed the phone to Bryson when he asked for it. He smiled then, and Joel shivered. Whatever was going to be said between these two men, it wasn’t an idle threat either.
“I hope you do something so that she can do just what she said she would. I’m finished with you, Dad. I don’t want you to call either Clara or myself again, do you hear me?” Whatever his dad might have said to that was cut off when the phone was broken in half. “I need to do something.”
Blaze took him by the hand and into the yard behind the house. Neither of them said another word that they could hear in the house, but they both disappeared into the sky when Blaze shifted and took him into her claws.
Bryson was enjoying the ride, but that didn’t lessen his fear of being dropped. When they headed to a mountain, she set him down on the ground and landed nearby. When she became a woman again, without wasting breath on saying anything, she was naked when she got to him.
“I need you.” He needed her as well, and took her into his arms. “Think of being naked, Bryson, or I’ll tear your clothing from you.”
While the thought of her tearing his clothing off sounded amazing, he also knew that it would be quicker if he simply willed them away. As soon as she wrapped her hand around his cock, there was little thought in his head, not even to remind himself to breathe. When she dropped in front of him, he held tightly onto the tree just behind him.
She took him deep into her mouth. When she cupped his balls, he dug his nails into the branch of the tree over his head hard enough that he could feel the bark of it breaking. Looking down at her, all Bryson could think about was that she was his, forever and a day.
I love the way you taste. Like honey. He couldn’t speak to her through their link. His mind was only centered on a single thing—what she was doing to him. Do you like this?
“Yes.” Bryson was happy that he had managed a single word. But then she fondled his balls more and he spread his legs wider for her. The more she moved her mouth over his cock, the harder it was for him to even breathe.
Blaze licked up one side of his cock and down the other. Curling her tongue around his crown had him cupping his balls too. They were aching, they were so full. Blaze looked up at him when she released his cock from its lovely home, and he jerked her up from the ground and kissed her savagely. He needed her.
Turning her in his arms so that she now had her back to the tree, he pressed her against it as he entered her. There wasn’t any time for foreplay this time. Need was making them both so hyped up that he wasn’t even sure his body could take waiting. As soon as he entered her, she screamed out her release, which brought on his own.
She nodded, her body still trembling around his. His cock was still hard and painful, but he could breathe now. Keeping her to his body, he took them both to the cold ground. Moving in and out of her slowly, Bryson watched her face as he made love to her, slower this time.