Page 18 of King's Castle
Doc picks up her sister’s hand. “Maybe people do, but you don’t. You like stability. That’s why you live in that same town we grew up in and didn’t want to move to the city with me even though Millsville has nothing good for either of us.”
I file all of this information away. Hayden was from a small town like this one and she wanted to put down roots. That’s pretty much the reason I set up shop here. Away from the crowds of people, I could create a private community that would last for a long time.
“You’re my sister. We’re supposed to stick together,” Hayden wails in frustration.
“All right.” Doc twists away from her sister and pins me with a serious stare. “What are your intentions with my sister?”
“Marriage,” I say immediately. From the moment I saw Hayden, I knew that she was the one I built this place for. Her, me, our family and the people that needed to be taken care of. It’s a place my mom needed and never had. Hayden was going to help build it with me. She’s not aware of that yet, but it’ll come.
“What?” yelps Hayden.
Doc appears unsurprised though. “How many exes have you had?”
“None.” Another easy question. “I was in the military for a while and then when I got out of that, I came up here, bought a few thousand acres and started building cabins.”
“None?” Doc says, her eyebrows lifting.
“None?” echoes Hayden.
“None,” I repeat.
“He just didn’t date. Like Ethan, he just sleeps around,” Hayden declares.
Ethan again. I narrow my eyes. I’m going to need a full dossier on him.
“Ethan dated. He always had a girlfriend but he also cheated on the girlfriend all the time,” Doc clarifies.
“Who is Ethan?”
“This guy who was always sniffing around Hayden. He wanted her because she wouldn’t climb into his probably diseased bed,” Doc says.
“This the boyfriend you were going to call?”
“No. Obviously not.” Hayden sticks her little nose in the air.
“Boyfriend? Since when do you have a boy–”
“Wow. I’m hungry,” Hayden cries. “When are we having dinner?”
So there’s no boyfriend and her name is Hayden. All the pieces are falling perfectly into place. There aren’t any barriers to sliding inside of her wet cunt tonight. Well, none other than her virginity but that won’t be an issue. She was ready for me to take her earlier today and she’ll be ready for that breach tonight.
“Right now. I came to tell you it’s ready.” I pick up the coats off the hooks along the wall and hold them out. Doc gets up and shoves her arms through the first one and I drape mine over Hayden’s shoulders, taking the moment to bring her body close. Even through the padding and down, I can feel the warmth of her small body. My dick stirs. Tonight, we’re gonna get a good taste of what it feels like to be inside her slick heat. I won’t last long–not the first time, but I’ll make it up to her in rounds two through five. “For the record,” I murmur against her hair, “I do not have one night stands.”
“How many night stands do you have?” Doc asks, picking up on my words.
“None. I’m like Hayden. I like stability.”
Doc holds out her fist and I bump it with mine, leading to a loud, disgruntled sigh from Hayden.
“I can’t believe you’re jumping ship like this,” she says. “We’re sisters. You’re supposed to back me up on everything.”
“I am backing you up, Hay Bales. We didn’t grow up calling Millsville ‘Shittsville’ for nothing. The town is a dead end for you. You hate the city, like small towns, crave stability, and you can have it all here. Why do you think I sent you the address to this place?”
“Because I would’ve hunted you down like a dog if you hadn’t.”
“That and because I want you to be with me and if it takes you falling for a guy like King, then so be it.” She looks up over Hayden’s head and fixes a serious gaze on me. “But if you hurt my sister, I will come into your room at night with my scalpel and cut off your mistletoe and holly.”
I wince and pull Hayden closer. “I promise on all the holiday ornaments that Cyn put away last week I will not hurt Hayden.” I jerk my chin. “Why don’t you go on ahead? The stew’s getting cold.”
“I’m hungry, too,” Hayden complains as she watches her sister walk out the door. The minute the door shuts, I spin Hayden around.
“You have five seconds,” I inform her.
“For what?”
“To lodge any objections you might have to spending the night in my bed with my cock between your legs.”
Her cheeks turn red, but she doesn’t back down. “I’m not going anywhere tonight but this cabin with my sister.”