Page 76 of Lifeline
“Okay.” I can see in his eyes he knows what I’m up to, but I trust him.
“Can I meet with Rama?”
I’m taken to an interrogation room and wait another ten minutes before Rama’s brought in and forced to sit before he’s cuffed to the chair.
A sadistic smile curves on my face. “Damn, you look like shit in orange.” His eyes are dead on me as I take a seat. “Oh, rude of me.” I hold my hand out. “Agent Daniel O’Brien.” Pulling back my hand, I say, “Shit, forgot you’re in cuffs.”
“What do you want, you fucking scum,” he growls in Albanian.
Switching languages, the smile drops from my face. “You’re going to scream, Rama. You’re going to feel what she felt, and then some.” Climbing to my feet, I adjust my jacket. “Heads up, the second you stop screaming, you die.”
“Fuck you,” he spits out, rage burning in his eyes. “Fuck you!” He yanks at the cuffs, straining to get free.
I let out a dark chuckle, satisfaction coursing through my veins. “You’re the one who’s fucked. Literally. Let’s see how you like being raped. I hope every fucking inch tears your ass apart.”
With Rama shouting enraged curses, I walk out of the room and nod at the warden. “Thank you.”
“Bethany and I better get an invitation to the wedding,” he calls after me.
“Deal,” I chuckle, then head toward the exit knowing Rama is in for a world of degradation and pain before he’s killed.
JJ will not have to face him on the stand, and she’ll have the closure she needs.
After I’m done placing the plates in the dishwasher, I shut it and head up the stairs. I glance at my parents’ bedroom, knowing I’ll have to clear it out at some point.
I continue down the hall to the guest room, and leaning my shoulder against the doorjamb, I cross my arms and watch as the women unpack pile after fucking pile of clothes.
“You sure you have enough to wear, Lindsay?” I ask, shaking my head.
Her head snaps up. “Why? Are you offering to buy?”
Letting out a chuckle, I say, “This room will only be temporary. As soon as I’ve cleared out the main room, you can move in there. The closet is bigger.”
Walking over to me, she gives me a hug. “Have I told you you’re the best big brother a girl could ask for?”
“I’m the only big brother you have.”
She grins up at me as I rub my hand over her back. “Still the best.” She gets back to work, and I signal with a nod for JJ to follow me.
Heading up the stairs to our room, I wait for her to catch up, then say, “You can change anything in here.”
She shrugs. “It’s fine the way it is.”
Taking hold of her hand, I brush my thumb over the ring. “Can I ask a favor?”
Her eyes lock on mine. “Anything.”
“Will you help me pack up my parents’ belongings?”
With all the love in the world shining from her eyes, she nods. “Of course.”
“We can do it this weekend. It’s long overdue.”
JJ shakes her head. “We can do it when you’re ready, Daniel. You don’t have to rush. The guest room is big enough for Lindsay.”
I give my woman a tender smile. “It’s time. I’m ready to let go.”
Lifting her other hand to my jaw, she says, “I bet your parents are looking down on you with so much pride. Their son turned out to be pretty amazing.”
Tightening my fingers around hers, I tug her closer. “How amazing?”
She stands on her tiptoes, barely reaching my jaw. “The most amazing.”
Lowering my head, I press a kiss to her lips. “Yeah?”
JJ wraps her arms around my neck, claiming another kiss. “Yeah.”
Stepping back, I shut the door and lock it. I pick up my woman and throw her on the bed. “How long do we have until Lindsay notices we’re missing?”
JJ laughs as she starts to undo her shorts, pushing them down her legs. “She won’t notice until she’s hungry. We’ve got time.”
Undoing my belt, I watch as the sound makes JJ’s eyes dilate with need. “Want me to fuck you hard, baby?”
“God, yes,” she breathes, already spreading her legs as she yanks her shirt off.
“Sir,” I order, undressing slowly, my eyes burning over her body.
“God, yes, sir,” she repeats, her skin flushing with desire.
“Good girl.” The words rumble from me as I move onto the bed, and surging into her in one long, hard thrust, I groan, “Let me hear those whimpers.”
Instant pleasure floods my veins, and when JJ whimpers, I power relentlessly into her. “Good. Fucking. Girl.”
Chapter 31
It took us a month to pack everything in O’Brien’s parents’ room. He told me a story about every second object we had to wrap up.
I loved it.
We moved their belongings into the attic, well, everything except for a bottle of perfume. When I saw the nostalgic expression on O’Brien’s face as he sprayed some in the air, I kinda stole it.