Page 20 of Lifeline
Heartstoppingly mesmerizing. That’s how JJ looks.
It’s a thirty-minute drive from JJ’s place to Snug Harbor, where the wedding’s taking place. Five minutes into the drive, not even the music is helping.
“Lindsay still enjoying her studies?” I ask.
“Yeah.” I feel JJ’s gaze on me, and it makes a calmness settle over me as if I’ve got a shot of blow into my veins. “She has an exam coming up, and then she’ll be able to take it easy for a little while.”
“When’s the exam?” My eyes flick to JJ, and I’m rewarded with another shot of calmness as our eyes connect.
Slowly the tension drains from my body as it sinks in JJ’s my date at the wedding. As long as she’s by my side, she’s safe. A fucker can’t come along and steal her from me.
My heart squeezes at the thought, knowing the day will come, and I’ll probably lose my fucking mind.
“On Wednesday.”
“We should do something for her,” I mention. “She’s been studying her ass off.” It’s no secret I’ve made peace with the fact that I’ve adopted Lindsay as a little sister.
“What do you have in mind?” JJ asks, her undivided attention on me. Exactly the way I like it.
“She needs to get out. We could go hiking?” It’s moments like this where we feel like a couple as if JJ’s already mine.
“That’s a good idea. We can take her next Saturday,” she agrees, and when I steal a glance, it’s to see a happy smile on her gorgeous face.
God, she’s so beautiful it’s blinding.
Needing confirmation, I breach the subject slowly. “Any of the guys at college wearing your welcome mat thin?”
Bubbly laughter explodes from JJ. “Hell no. Lindsay only has eyes for Jared.” When she first told me about Jared Wylder, I ran his name through the system to make sure he’s a safe bet for Lindsay.
I glance at JJ. “And you? No prospects on the horizon?”
Her next word better be a ‘no.’
She scrunches her nose. “I spend almost every waking hour with you. Where do you think I get the time to date?”
Satisfaction fills my chest, and for the life of me, I can’t stop from grinning. “You have a problem spending time with me?” I tease.
“Of course not,” JJ chuckles. “I love picking your brain.”
Where I would’ve lost my shit if she said something like that when we first met, I’ve learned JJ respects my privacy, and she’s only joking.
“And you?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
A burst of laughter escapes me. “Yeah, between stake-outs with you and trying to get an in with the Albanians, I’ve had tons of time to date.”
She seems to relax at my answer, and it has me asking, “You’re worried about me dating?”
Shaking her head, she gives me a playful scowl. “No, just want to know when it’s my turn to run a check on a love interest.”
“You know about the check I ran on Jared?” I chuckle.
“Of course.” I’m given a sweet smile that strikes like a lightning bolt right through my heart. “Thank you for looking out for Lindsay.”
A more relaxed silence falls between us until I pull up to the venue and spot two guys getting out of a car. A dark frown starts to form on my forehead, but then they hold hands, and I let out a breath of relief.
God, this possessiveness I feel for JJ will have me killing some poor innocent man.
After climbing out of the car, JJ hands my jacket back, and I quickly shrug it on. Her soft scent wafts up from the fabric, and my eyes drift shut as fresh flower petals hit my nostrils. I only bask in JJ’s scent for a second, then button my jacket and straighten my shoulders.
As we follow the other guests to the seating space, I place my hand on JJ’s lower back in a dominating and protective move, so every man here will know she’s with me and off-limits.
We find open seats, and I wait for JJ to sit before I drop down next to her. Our arms press against each other, and wanting her to be more comfortable, I lift my left arm and rest it on the back of her chair.
Her eyes dart to my face before she looks at the other guests and the flower arrangements.
JJ turns her head to our left as a couple takes a seat next to her, and the movement makes her hair tug from where it’s pinned between her shoulders and my arm. Not thinking, I lean right into her and gently gather the soft curls before draping them over my arm so they don’t get caught again.
When I pull back, and she stares at me with parted lips, there’s an instant punch to my cock, which hardens in a second flat.
Hiding my desire behind a smile, I whisper, “Now I won’t yank half your hair out.”