Page 2 of Raven: Gems of Wolfe Island Two
“But security—”
After all our time together, she still doesn’t know who I am, what I’m capable of. “I know my way around the best security in the world. How do you think I’ve remained in business so long? Now pack up.”
“No.” She whips her hands to her hips, a look of amusing determination crossing her fine features.
So this is how it will be. Fine. She can show her strength.
And I’ll show mine.
“This isn’t up for negotiation, Emily.”
“I’m not going.”
I don’t want to strike her. Truly, I don’t. I don’t do it often. Only when I have to. Only when she makes me.
I raise my fist—
She moves quick as lightning, ducking, and then she runs out the door, giving me a peek of her bare ass as she goes. My God, is she wearing nothing but another man’s shirt?
I curl my fingers into fists. I breathe in, hold it, and then let out a whoosh of air. I’m determined.
I tried to remain calm.
I tried.
She won’t get away with this.
I jerk awake. The room is dark, and for a moment a sharp spike of fear slides through me. I don’t know where I am, until—
I heave a sigh of relief. I’m still at Luke’s apartment. I remember falling asleep in his arms, feeling so safe and secure.
I reach toward him, and—
Where is he?
Probably in the bathroom. I look toward the door leading to the bathroom, but there’s no sliver of light at the bottom. He probably just got up to go and didn’t bother with the lights. Didn’t want to wake me.
I draw in a deep breath, stretch my arms above my head. Relaxation swirls through me, and I close my eyes. I imagine myself lying on a beach, the sun streaming down on me, warming my body and my soul. In the distance the waves crash, and I feel at home.
So at home here with Luke.
Soon I’m asleep again.
“Who the fuck are you?” I grit out.
“I’m the person who’s going to take you back to LA so you can get what’s coming to you.”
“You’re a damned bounty hunter? No fucking way.” I begin to turn my head—
He forces the gun harder into my back.
Damn, he’s not fooling around.
“Look, whatever they’re paying you, I’ll double it.”
I’m calm. Strike that. Not calm. My ability to stay calm vanished with the alcohol. I’m a fucking mess with a heart that’s trying to pound right out of my chest, but I can at least act like I’m in control. I’d give my right arm for a drink.
No! I can’t go there. Katelyn. This is all for Katelyn. I draw in a breath.
“I’m serious,” I say. “If you know who I am, you know who my father is. I’ll fucking double it.”
He repositions the gun so it feels less like a broom handle digging into my spine…but only slightly less.
My heart is still racing, but at least he’s thinking about my offer.
Fuck it all. I’m ready to head back, to pay my damned dues, and someone decides to put a bounty on my head.
“Put the gun down, man. I’m going to miss my bus.”
“Lucifer Raven? On a bus?”
“You think I’m hanging out at a bus station in the middle of the night for my health?”
I heave a sigh of relief when the nose of the gun moves from my back. I’ve got my own piece strapped to my ankle, but I’m not in a position to get to it.
Still, I don’t dare turn around.
“Who the hell are you?” I demand.
“Turn around and see.”
I move slowly. He still has a gun trained on me, so I don’t dare go for my ankle holster.
I don’t look at his face at first. Hell, no. I need to know where the gun is.
Still in his right hand, and still pointed in my direction.
Okay, at least I know where it is. My hands are instinctively raised as I look up to his face.
A face I recognize.
A face I want to pummel.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Emily’s quick, but she’s not as quick as I am. I’m strong and fit—my job requires it. I have to be able to fight my way out of any situation, with or without weapons.
By the time we’re out of her cottage, I’ve got her in a stranglehold, my knife against the milky flesh of her neck.
“Why do you make me do this?” I whisper to her. “This isn’t me.”
“Please. Just leave me alone,” she whimpers. “Let me be happy.”
Let her be happy? She was happy back home. With me. I’ve done everything to make her happy, and she doesn’t appreciate any of it.
“I’m happy here,” she says. “Please, Lucifer.”
“You will only be happy with me!” I whisper savagely, and I dig the blade into her neck without cutting her.
“No!” she screams. “Help me! Someone help me!”