Page 7 of Daddy's Holiday Baby (Boyfriend Diaries 5)
But now, we’ve gone our separate ways. Our assets have been split, she lives in another state, and I’m ready to move on. Thus, my body’s immediate reaction to the gorgeous blonde before me. What would it feel like to taste Cindy’s plush lips? What would it be like to hear her moan my name, panting her ecstasy just for me?
But I can’t let on to my thoughts because they’d make her run screaming. Instead, as we settle into the movie theater seats, the conversation stays superficial and easy.
“So you have your own company?” Cindy asks in a gentle voice, her eyes like deep pools of still water in the darkness. “Flora mentioned that you’re an entrepreneur.”
“Yes,” I rumble. “Maybe you’ve heard of it? My company’s called VX Reality.”
Cindy scrunches her nose, thinking, but then shakes her head.
“Nope, sorry. Never heard of it. Does it have to do with 3D headsets? Computers? Gadgets?”
I laugh.
“Sort of. It has to do with gaming actually. It’s a corporation that’s focused on video games.”
“Oh, you create video games,” she says, nodding. “That sounds cool.”
I shake my head.
“No, we don’t make video games actually. We film ourselves playing video games. It’s a genre called Let’s Play videos.”
Cindy looks confused.
“You mean, you play video games and stream yourselves playing them? Wow, how strange. Do other people play simultaneously as well, so that you’re competing against your viewers?”
I shoot her an amused look. Given my strange line of work, I’m used to questions like these.
“No, not exactly. We film ourselves playing the games, and then take the video and edit it with graphics, text, and funny comments. We then post the edited video to our YouTube channel and boom! Our subscribers watch.”
She squints at me.
“So you’re not playing against someone live. It’s not a competition.”
“Nope,” I reply. “Our audience watches us play video games. There’s no contest.”
Cindy looks stunned and her big breasts heave a bit.
“Seriously? There’s a market for that?”
I grin. I’m not offended by her surprise.
“Yeah, and it’s a big market too. Have you heard of PewDiePie or Markiplier?”
“No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.”
I laugh, my teeth white in the darkness.
“I’m not surprised because you’re a pretty girl, and pretty girls have better things to do than sit around watching other people play video games. Basically, PewDiePie is one of the most successful entrepreneurs on YouTube. Allegedly, he makes seven figures in a month, and he does exactly what we do.”
Cindy’s shocked and her mouth forms a perfect “O.” What would it feel like to have those plush lips circled around my virility, with her cheeks hollowed out? I twitch a bit imagining that titillating scenario.
“Seven figures? In a month?” she asks in a breathy voice. “Who would have guessed?”
“I know right?” I grin. “Our company does even better than that actually. We make about nine figures a year now in revenue.”
Cindy’s mouth drops open again but then she shuts it quickly.
“That’s impressive,” comes her small voice. “I never knew this industry was so lucrative. In fact, I never even knew this industry existed.”
I laugh again, hoping she doesn’t sense my arousal. However, there’s the scent of male musk in the air, and I know I’m unleashing pheromones unconsciously. After all, I want this woman. I want her painted with my scent so that other males know that they can’t touch her.
“Most people don’t know about us or our industry, unless they’re gamers. But the world is changing quickly, and new opportunities arise all the time. What do you do, Cindy?”
Her plush pink lips open again to reply, but suddenly, the music begins blaring and the screen flickers to a preview. The movie’s starting and just in time too because I can’t get enough of this girl, and left to my own devices, I might have ravished her, right here in public.
I’m not sure when theaters decided that blasting the volume on max was the ideal way to go, but this cinema definitely has the dial turned up to ten. The car crashes and explosions on screen make my ears ring and I sneak a glance over at Blake to see if his ears are thrumming too.
The alpha male looks relaxed in the darkness, one big hand resting loosely on an arm rest as his other reaches for the popcorn bucket. He’s mesmerized by the action on-screen, and his hand quests to my side slowly before dipping into the popcorn.
Meanwhile, I don’t even know what’s happening in the movie. Sure, this is a flick that I’ve been wanting to see for ages, and it only just came out. Yet now that I have the handsome, hunky Blake Reynolds sitting next to me, I can’t focus. The characters could be singing Christmas carols while doing cartwheels, and I wouldn’t even notice.
Because this man is gorgeous. He’s everything that my friend promised about her uncle, and more. Flora didn’t mention that her uncle was a tech entrepreneur who started his own company. Nor did she say anything about him rolling in dough.