Page 1 of Daddy's Christmas Gift (Boyfriend Diaries 4)
“Hey, are you ready?” my friend Elisa asks me. I smile and sling my backpack over one shoulder.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” is my wry reply. “This class is so hard, and I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Oh please,” Elisa says with a grin. “You’re doing fine, Aria. Don’t even pretend because I know you’re smart. You always land on your feet and end up pulling an A out of the bag despite moaning and groaning like the rest of us.”
I giggle because Elisa’s right. I’m a nerd and get really good grades. But I’m not so sure I’m going to do well this time around because American Literature 101 has been kicking my ass, and it has me a little unsettled. I thought that this would be an easy course for me because I love to read. Not only that, but high school English was my favorite class and I figured I’d sail through this course too.
But college has been a different game altogether. First, we peruse about ten books per semester. Although I’m a fast reader, ten books is a lot. I calculated, and it means that we’re reading about one book per week.
Nor are these books short stories, or tiny little novellas that you can breeze through in one night. We’ve perused some tomes that were three hundred pages long, and while I love the written word, even I had some trouble keeping up. The only reason why I’m caught up with our reading is because we covered our last book, The Great Gatsby, in high school, so I only needed to skim it to refresh my memory. Otherwise, I’d be weeks behind and in deep doo-doo.
“You doing okay with the syllabus?” I ask Elisa sympathetically. “It’s a lot. I can tutor you, if you need some back up.”
My friend laughs merrily while tossing her designer nylon bag over one shoulder.
“You know me, Aria. I only read the first few chapters of each book and then I hit up the reader’s guide. You know, it’s Cliffs Notes for college students.”
My nose wrinkles with confusion. I’ve skimmed Cliffs Notes before and they’re so cut and dried that it’s alarming. I didn’t feel like they were a substitute for the actual book at all, and decided not to use them for my own academic career.
“Yeah, but is that enough? How are you able to write essays about plot development and tone when you’ve only read the first few chapters?”
Elisa merely shrugs.
“Tone comes quick, silly. You only need to read the first few chapters to figure out the pacing and tone of a book. And then, Cliffs Notes does the rest. They tell you exactly what happens, beat for beat, in the plot, and then everything just flows from that.”
But I’m still confused as we begin our walk to class.
“Yeah, but what about that last book that started out as a bunch of letters? You know, in the epistolary style? All the characters did was write letters to each other for the first third of the book, and that’s how the plot developed. So how were you able to pick up the tone of the novel when it changed format one third of the way through?”
Elisa rolls her eyes while flicking her long brown hair over one shoulder.
“Easy. Cliffs Notes told me when the letters ended, so then I picked up the book, browsed to that chapter, and read a little more beginning from that section. It’s easy-peasy, Aria. This is college. You can’t afford to read the whole book because it would take forever and a day. Plus, there are so many parties to go to and boys to meet. Who has the time?” she asks in a droll tone.
I smile while rolling my eyes. My friend has a point. What am I doing, immersing myself in my courses when I could be out meeting guys? I must be crazy, and as a result, I’m grateful to be friends with Elisa because she’s a counter to my nerdy ways. If I didn’t have such an outgoing roommate, I’d probably be locked in the library, diving into book after book non-stop. But my roomie drags me to parties all over campus every weekend, so at least I can say I’m having “a college experience.” It’s not exactly fun per se when there are drunken guys groping you and music that practically blows out my eardrums, but at least it’s an experience that I can relay to my grandchildren when I’m old and gray.
“Come on, Aria,” says my friend as we speed walk to class. “I don’t want to miss Professor Moore today. Now he makes class totally worth it.”
With a giggle, I hurry in order to catch up with my friend. That’s true. Roland Moore isn’t your average professor, that’s for sure. He doesn’t wear tweed jackets with elbow patches, nor does he have thick, coke-bottle glasses and the body of a Teletubby. Instead, Roland Moore is an insanely handsome man. He looks like a Greek god, with chestnut hair swept off his forehead, a strong Roman profile, and a chiseled body that’s obviously the result of lifting weights on a daily basis. Well, my guess is that he lifts weights because no one gets that muscular from sitting around and staring at a computer all day.